That is why we are a Western democracy

Is it right for a minister’s wife to be given an appointment, like a direct order by a government entity?

Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi is perhaps the best cabinet minister on the Joseph Muscat team. He is appreciated by the general public, and he is respected for his focus and dedication. In the pre-election campaign his virginal look and straight talk was not only appreciated but very much welcomed by a discerning and bored electorate.

Mizzi was and is a breath of fresh air.

When he entered politics, he left behind a well-paid job in the private industry to take up a demanding job and underpaid ministerial post.

I can never understand why someone would want to be in such a poorly paid job.

Mizzi was not well known locally, his father was. And well known for his association, for good and bad, with big business. His wife was completely unknown.

That she too is competent is not being questioned here.

Nonetheless, that competence is not an excuse for ignoring ethical standards.

What is being questioned here is her engagement with Malta Enterprise.

Is it right for a minister's wife to be given an appointment, like a direct order by a government entity?

The unequivocal answer by the opposition is NO.

This is the unfortunate aspect of being married to a cabinet minister.

To accept this new trend would mean that Muscat can be permitted to redefine what is ethical or not ethical. That minister's wives can get involved in the administration - no questions asked.

We are, strangely, still a European country.

And the ethos of being a Western democracy means that we are not only guided by the principle of a free unbridled market.

We combine our uncomfortable acceptance of capitalism with, at the same time, an embrace of civil liberties and encouragement of standards, as well as socioeconomic and environmental considerations.

One standard emphasises the imperative to draw a boundary.

The boundary is common and accepted implicitly in most Western democracies.

The boundary makes us stand out from the other economic blocs: the Middle East, dominated by dictatorships and monarchies, and Asia, once again dominated by a rabid capitalism and an abysmal appreciation for the environment, civil liberties and democracy.

Konrad Mizzi, like most of his colleagues in the cabinet, is underpaid. But he and his fellows are in a serious quagmire. They spent three long years arguing that the secretive salary rise to Nationalist ministers was an awful thing.

The much-needed rise in salaries for ministers is now definitely on hold, because Muscat cannot possibly argue for one.

But this is untenable.

Why should the chief executive of a corporation or an authority earn much more than a minister?

Very low salaries have put the pressure on several ministers and their staff, and this leaves many of them scrambling for ways to complement their income.

Sai Mizzi Liang's envoy status will not go away, because it is just the sort of thing that makes the PN tick as a forceful party in opposition.

The appointment is one way of giving teeth to a political party that lost any sense of self-respect and credibility.

The Labour administration is doing just that: helping to direct public mistrust and anger at decisions which make no sense.

It also reconfirms our fear that Muscat and his team feel that they are beyond reproach, and that everything is justified - as long as it adds up to encouraging more business and financial growth.

I cant understand why all this hassle,,she worked under the last government(It looks like they did not know or did not care who here husband was or what he could come to be).Now to get back in some way to him they are bringing all this up,,it must be embarrassing for both Mizzi's but more for Bussutil to let these things happen.Mr Conrad is making a good impact,,keep up the good work.
There was a solution and there always is.
So what is the solution dear Saviour,.... giving Gonzi mafia type handouts? Joseph has already given the strategy, a committee under the president to provide an open discussion of a law that covers the remuneration of ministers and other public and technically viable...mixing up ,Mrs Mizzi`s appointment, with the income of ministers is a bit far fetched, but I agree that the useless PN needs this kind of twisted argument to start making noise.
@imrosilsub Your cynicism is indicative of the level the Maltese body politic had descended under the PN. Konrad Mizzi could be making much more in the private sector and provisions for a very lucrative pension could also be part of his remuneration agreement. Joseph Muscat showed great insight and wisdom in appointing such a person of indisputable talent and ability. I realize that after 23 years of PN "What's in it for me" mentality to see a person who genuinely was to better his country does tend to confuse the PNers. Mr Mizzi's should be applauded for his civic duty and personal sacrifice. He has been given a Herculean task to turn an indebted, inefficient, broken entity, riddled with corruption, into a modern efficient and reliable source of electricity for Malta. All this within a very restrictive time frame. Being human,he will make mistakes which the PN friendly media will magnify to gigantic proportions. But remember even Gonzi, during a candid moment with an American diplomat, had to lament the sorry bunch of ministers he had to appoint. Let's for once forget our political stripes and give Mr Mizzi our collective support.
@maltese Socialism doesn't preclude the free market. It compliments it in offering protection to the least advantaged so that we can have a decent society. As far as copying well, let me remind you of the issues that the PN so opposed: Universal suffrage, pensions, free health care for all, children's allowance, bonuses, etc., etc.. Even the stipends that the PN so regularly boasts about was a Labour creation. Remember in the Eighties when the PN suddenly took a leaf from Labour's book and became interested in "Workers' Rights" and the ecology? The only reason we have any public benefits is that Labour got them for us. So in effect the PN celebrated Socialism by not ending these public benefits and agreed as to their common good.
@Maltese. PN has been relegated to the abyss of humiliation having been rejected by an outstanding majority of the Maltese voters. You will never swallow down the bitter pill, indeed 5 years are too long to bear. Patience my friend, patience. The road is indeed long and by then you will see what the future has in store for PN - another defeat.
@maltese Socialism doesn't preclude the free market. It compliments it in offering protection to the least advantaged so that we can have a decent society. As far as copying well, let me remind you of the issues that the PN so opposed: Universal suffrage, pensions, free health care for all, children's allowance, bonuses, etc., etc.. Even the stipends that the PN so regularly boasts about was a Labour creation. Remember in the Eighties when the PN suddenly took a leaf from Labour's book and became interested in "Workers' Rights" and the ecology? The only reason we have any public benefits is that Labour got them for us. So in effect the PN celebrated Socialism by not ending these public benefits and agreed as to their common good.
joseph mercieca
Unfortunately I do not share Saviour Balzan’s romantic and essentially naïve view of western democracies. I regard western democracies as decadent, materialistic and heartless. Democracy is only an accessory since this lofty value is sacrificed on the altar of the deity Mammon. In these societies the power of the people and their representatives is redundant. The real decisions are made in the boardrooms of banks, other fianancial institutions the IMF and credit ratings agencies. Proof of this is the European countries like Spain Greece and others. These are in serious fianancial difficulty and nearing the brink of default. They asked the EU for help and this together with the ECB and IMF promised to bail them out of trouble. One of the principle conditions of this bailout was the drastic reduction of public expenditure and other social butchery. This meant the laying off of thousands of public sector employees the dismantling of the welfare state. Thus those that are paying for the blunders of others are the workers and the poor. If there was equity the rich should also be doing their bit but believe it or not these are getting richer because they know how avoid paying taxes while others are speculating on the crisis itself to make more money. These are societies build on hedonism and consumerism. Where money is everything and everything depends on it. Sure we have rights but can one afford legal aid? Sure we have state of the art medicine but can everybody afford it? A person without money does not exist in a Western democracy as his/her worth is calculated by his/her bank account and worth as a consumer. An indigent individual is a burden that we do not need nor afford. “Money is more important than people” quoting Pope Francis. No with regard to Mrs. Zammit Saviour and others should stop beating around the bush. Mario Vella chairman of Malta enterprise (he has a four million office lucky devil) says that he had every right to appoint her as an envoy as it has been done before. The government side also says that she worked under the previous administration. Are these lies? If they are just say so and shame those fabricating them. If it is the truth and we know that her qualifications are second to none? Saviour I advise you find another bone to pick against this administration. Being so proud of the values of Western democracy where were you when a Minister forgot he has Swiss bank account worth 700,000 Euros? When the scandal of oil procurement was denounced by your paper the oil procurement committee stopped taking minutes. Was this to the standard of Western democracy? Did you write anything about it? The cheekiest episode of this saga was when the AG asked Azzopardi of the four million commission how was BWSC selected the guy replied through the Yellow Pages. What is your opinion Salv? Does this meet the standards of a Western Democracy
Maltese, you are way behind the times! The PL attacked the PN on its scandalous behavior with taxpayers' monies, scandals etc etc etc. WAKE UP.
One must admit that the appointment of Ms Mizzi could have been handled a bit more deftly. An interview of prospective candidates should have perhaps been held. By all accounts, Ms Mizzi would have won the position without any question. The nepotism charge cuts both ways. Should a spouse of a minister recluse herself from serving her country even if she is qualified? Does a person have to be penalized simply by accident of marriage? That she is very qualified even the PN doesn't deny since they hired her services. However, even if the aforementioned was performed, do you not believe that the PN would have countered that the process was rigged to favour Ms. Mizzi? Keep in mind that we are dealing with the PN, a party that invented dirty politics in Malta. What we must focus on is that the PN is attacking PL molehills while the mountain of abuse perpetrated under their administration is now beginning to surface. The irregular activities of the oil bunkering scandal will surely swamp the PN boat. To counter this impending fate, the PN are employing three strategies: Deflection, Deflection and more Deflection.
@betetr future So now Labour is in favour of business. So where is its socialism - labour has attacked PN for ages on free market issues and now they are just copying the PN in a bad way. After the election win lets hope that in the near future LABOUR WILL BE RELEGATED AGAIN TO THE OPPOSITION, WHERE THEY ALREADY SPENT MUCH OF THEIR RECENT HISTORY IN.
How productive is a minister? How many others are involved to enable him reach his maximum productivity? It is a good equation no one takes the time to work out. But we should. Mr. Mizzi may be good but he is not that good if he has not worked out the pro s and cons of moving out of private sector to the public eye. I m sure a full pension after one term as minister is something that was not on the plate when he worked in the private sector. And as for his wife? She may be the best as far as I m concerned but what is good for the goose is good for her too . so applying and sitting for an interview and be compared with other eligible candidates is not asking too much. And by the way, all you people of good faith, what changes were we promised? Was this type of nepotism one of the changes?
Luke Camilleri
His wife was completely unknown and so completely unknown that the P.N. in Government even used her services! What was unknown was the she was married to Dr. Konrad, that made her not good for any job by the P.N. & Co. good and qualified as she may be! With all there BLABBER , and idle talk the "New" P.N. and Co. did not present anyone that is as near Ms. Mizzi's capabilities , qualifications and experience! The P.N. are just PATHETHIC , feeling BLUE, RED with anger, GREEN with envy and downright feeling YELLOW :P
Your conclusion would be the reason why Muscat's administration is held in high esteem by all sectors of Maltese voters, except for GonziPNers who have lost their collective trough. It is the profit motive, i.e. business that makes the world go round and creates employment and wealth. That is the line being adopted by this administration. Now their next move must involve the Government's (public sector) downsizing.
With all due respect to your concluding paragraph one should not forget to hammer,hammer and hammer the fact that Ms Sai Mizzi Liang was already engaged by Malta Enterprise during the PN's administration before her husband the Hon Konrad Mizzi entered into politics. Does this justify the fact that because her husband is now a cabinet minister she becomes an outcast!!!???