Muscat should be banished from PL after revelation of plot against Chris Fearne
Saviour Balzan
It is a sad day for the truth when the good guy in Cabinet, who stood up to the triumvirate, is in the dock today
Illegali | Patrick Calleja
The government does not have any appetite for curbing illegal development and land speculation. Despite making vague promises, it has not introduced legislation suspending works...
Are we back to business as usual?
Josanne Cassar

As we look to the future, will it also be business as usual in the way we treat foreign nationals when (or if) they come back here for work?

As we look to the future, will it also be business as usual...

A consumption-driven recovery plan
Michael Falzon

Our government seems to be acting to ensure the statistical average can be reached while ignoring the plight of those who are going hungry

Our government seems to be acting to ensure the statistical...

Enter Jean Claude Micallef, Nationalist reject now populist clown
Saviour Balzan

Jean Claude Micallef is simply eager about being spoken about, driven by a...

Jean Claude Micallef is simply eager about being spoken...

What can’t be laughed at, can never be defeated
Raphael Vassallo

Why run the risk of depriving future generations of a cultural influence that...

Why run the risk of depriving future generations of a...

The EU must recognise the realities of Mediterranean member states | Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi

It is imperative the EU gives due consideration to the Mediterranean perspectives

It is imperative the EU gives due consideration to the...

Captain Morgan migrant fiasco: No more ‘Mr Tough Guy’…
Raphael Vassallo

Malta can no longer play the 'Tough Guy' card, when it comes to...

Malta can no longer play the 'Tough Guy' card,...

Tourism: the road to recovery is uphill
Michael Falzon

In the tourism sector, the road to recovery is uphill with government having to keep on spending money to support it, probably even after the pandemic would...

In the tourism sector, the road to recovery is uphill with...

Online schools: those who were lagging could be lagging behind even further
Karen Mugliett

There are learners who have not engaged with online teaching from the very beginning... depressed, disorganised, unmotivated or have the necessary...

There are learners who have not engaged with online...

What’s happening in America might be a glimpse of our own future
Raphael Vassallo

Malta has become a country where ‘black lives’ demonstrably...

Malta has become a country where ‘black lives’...

Why ‘All Lives Matter’ is dismissive and a foil for racists and the far-right in Malta
Matthew Vella

All Lives Matter is a foil that stops us from understanding and dealing with structural problems of racism and even other discriminatory...

All Lives Matter is a foil that stops us from understanding...

Try walking a mile in someone’s shoes before that snap remark
Josanne Cassar

Some find it extremely difficult to put themselves in the shoes of others... If...

Some find it extremely difficult to put themselves in the...

The curious case of Chris Cardona
Saviour Balzan

Certainly enough, were we living in a normal country, the Labour Party would be calling on Chris Cardona to resign his deputy leadership role

Certainly enough, were we living in a normal country, the...

Has anyone informed COVID-19 that it lost the war?
Raphael Vassallo

I sincerely hope that both Abela and Fearne are indeed correct: that COVID-19...

I sincerely hope that both Abela and Fearne are indeed...

Sexism is a threat online too | Renee Laiviera

Online technologies can make people’s lives better and easier, however,...

Online technologies can make people’s lives better...

Illegal floating prisons | Carla Camilleri

We need to ask ourselves why Malta still operates migration through...

We need to ask ourselves why Malta still operates migration...

Property and development after COVID-19
Michael Falzon

Again, much depends on whether the economic situation will revert to what it was before the pandemic or otherwise... with an unknown ‘new normal’

Again, much depends on whether the economic situation will...

One... Billion... Euros!
Raphael Vassallo

But hey, what’s there to worry about? Who cares if Malta throws away the only assets that have permitted us to remain competitive – even at the...

But hey, what’s there to worry about? Who cares if...

This was the week everyone was outraged about something
Josanne Cassar

Even though ours was a mild lockdown, it was still taking its mental toll and...

Even though ours was a mild lockdown, it was still taking...