‘Political terrorism’? ‘War on the judiciary?’ Get a grip, people…
Raphael Vassallo
And let’s face it, folks. I think we’d all much rather be living here in Malta (warts and all), in 2024; than in Salem, New England, at the height of the 1692 century...
Vitals inquiry: How did we get to this point?
Josanne Cassar
A lot has already been written and said about the conclusion of the Vitals inquiry and the 19 people who are being accused of a number of criminal charges...
Judging the judges
Michael Falzon

Appointing persons in certain posts with two-thirds majority in Parliament is achievable and not impossible – as some claim

Appointing persons in certain posts with two-thirds...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan's video blog | Hunters are the privileged few
Saviour Balzan

Government has sent out a mixed message by allowing the spring hunting season...

Government has sent out a mixed message by allowing the...

It looks ugly for Europe. This crisis takes us into uncharted territory
Mark Camilleri

Historian Mark Camilleri does not want to be a prophet of doom, but he thinks the pandemic’s effect on political and social life could unleash impacts...

Historian Mark Camilleri does not want to be a prophet of...

One month on... how much longer can this be sustained?
Josanne Cassar

This weird reality has quickly separated the country into different types of...

This weird reality has quickly separated the country into...

Alla illiberani
Saviour Balzan

Robert Abela will decide whether he is any different a leader to Eddie Fenech Adami, Lawrence Gonzi, or Joseph Muscat, the people who played the pipers’...

Robert Abela will decide whether he is any different a...

In it together | Helena Grech

This is really the time for unity, notwithstanding any initial hiccups at the start of such an unprecedented challenge

This is really the time for unity, notwithstanding any...

Enforcement cannot just be for lesser mortals
Raphael Vassallo

More importantly, however, there are limits to our country’s logistical...

More importantly, however, there are limits to our...

Future-proofing our societies
Miriam Dalli

Our people are resilient and entrepreneurial and can adapt to change when they have to. This crisis showed us how society can transform itself in a very short...

Our people are resilient and entrepreneurial and can adapt...

The ITS deal mess
Michael Falzon

Many questions for which the Auditor-General sought answers should have been made by the Opposition in the first place

Many questions for which the Auditor-General sought answers...

‘Swift action’? By the EU? You’ve got to be kidding me...
Raphael Vassallo

How would I react if I were a resident of Bergamo, or Milan, or Cremona, or...

How would I react if I were a resident of Bergamo, or...

The dilemmas of the lockdown decision
Josanne Cassar

Government is under pressure to do something, but making rash decisions which are not thought through properly at this time will unravel the good that has been...

Government is under pressure to do something, but making...

And they boast of a surplus
Saviour Balzan

Our balance sheet allows the Maltese economy to borrow up to €5 billion, even with the blessing of the European Commission in this dire situation; and...

Our balance sheet allows the Maltese economy to borrow up...

Now is the time to map out our next-generation economy
Claudio Grech

By learning from the adjustments that mother nature has imposed on us in the...

By learning from the adjustments that mother nature has...

COVID-19? It’s Mother Nature’s revenge for Bruno the Bear...
Raphael Vassallo

There is, in brief, nothing ‘unique’ or ’unprecedented’...

There is, in brief, nothing ‘unique’ or...

All hands on deck | Julia Farrugia

Usually it takes two to tango. But to face the raging beast attacking us on all fronts, we must ‘tango in three’ to slay it: the government, the...

Usually it takes two to tango. But to face the raging beast...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan's video blog | Government measures do not cater for over 100,000 workers
Saviour Balzan

The sacrifice cannot be limited to the 100,000 employees in the private sector, who work for companies that will not benefit from the €800 per month...

The sacrifice cannot be limited to the 100,000 employees in...

Amazing, how quickly we all forgot about the EU...
Raphael Vassallo

Where is all the ‘guidance’ that the European Health Commission is...

Where is all the ‘guidance’ that the European...

The end of the world as we know it
Michael Falzon

Maltese businesses facing liquidity problems would have deferred paying their tax and social security dues in any case

Maltese businesses facing liquidity problems would have...