Come on boys, come on girls

If Joseph Muscat chickens out of denying 34,000 signatures the right to vote in conjunction with the European parliamentary election, then I will be the first to remind him of his democratic obligations.

It is a shame - a big shame - that the European Commission and the EU Commissioner on the Environment are such a hopeless lot. They have decided to look the other way.

They know that Malta has blatantly ignored the spirit of the birds' directive, and yet they refuse to do anything about the clear and unquestionable disregard for it.

They have left the future of birds in spring to the Maltese public, who are now signing in droves to call for a referendum in spring.

If they think the Maltese cannot decide for themselves, they are bloody wrong.

I have no doubt that the required number will be collected by mid-December, and the electoral commissioner will have to ensure that the referendum is held to coincide with the next elections of note (the European parliamentary elections).

"Come on boys, come on girls..." let's vote and get the hunters out of our spring calendar. And let us send a message to the political class that we mean business.

Now I speak not only as an opinion writer and a media man, but as a former chairman and a founder of Ornis, and someone who knows how the government of Malta literally misled the European Commission.

Yes I choose my words very carefully: misled the commission.

So Martin Bugelli, please clip this sentence and send it off to the Commission.

Perhaps they will make a note of it between their coffee break and one of their many lunch meetings.

I know this because I was then a consultant to the chief negotiator Richard Cachia Caruana, and I'm fully aware of what the Maltese government was supposed to accomplish (and more importantly, abide to).

I also know that the carnet de chasse reports are lies, based on fictitious entries that are tolerated by MEPA.

The recent reports of carnet de chasse for spring in hunting in Malta are a joke and should be taken for what they are: an exercise in fraud.

And yet, the government - and previous governments, for that matter - have continued to foment the impression that everything is under control when it is not.

It is as controlled as the government's frenzy to only appoint blue-eyed boys and girls to crucial jobs.

But back to hunting. If Joseph Muscat chickens out of denying 34,000 signatures - or shall we say 36,000 - the right to vote in conjunction with the European parliamentary election, then I will be the first to remind him of his democratic obligations.

Electoral commissioner Saviour Gauci is duty-bound to ensure that the process is swift, and that no problems are created to block this process.

This is a first for Malta. This is a referendum which is being called by the people, not by the political parties. It is a referendum that will open the way to popular democracy from the bottom up, and not the other way round.

It is one way of determining and showing the political class - both Muscat and Busuttil - that their politics of appeasement do not work in today's society anymore.

The hunters will of course complain that their members will spiral into a depression and drive themselves to suicide.

I honestly believe nobody should bother with these silly arguments.

They should learn to read... or better still, recite poetry or pick wild asparagus or even better still, read the weather.

Nothing can justify the fact that our hunters - who have held the political class to ransom - run amok in the countryside and shoot anything that moves.

It is a pity that the referendum does not call for a ban on hunting as a whole.

As more and more signatures are coming in, the news is alive with more appointments.

Peter Davies is out, but at least he was not a political appointee (he was head hunted by Ernst and Young and offered a wage commensurate with the going rate).

That half a million did not seem to bother the government of the day. But now, with the wages being offered to all these yuppie young Labourite ex-candidates, I really think that Davies's wage was worth it.

Davies was rude and stubborn but ultimately resolute, and his replacement will have to face the unions and the pilots if he wants to lift Air Malta into the skies. And more importantly: he will learn not to listen to politicians.

It will be difficult of course... given that he was appointed by politicians in the first place, it'll be hard to resist their 'advice'.

It is just like the judiciary: they are all appointed by the political class and are very conscious of the implications of their decisions.

That, I'm sure, is a tall order, and though I wish him well, I have to say that if he does succeed, I will be very surprised indeed.

Really, the only reason that Joseph Muscat does not lose his supremacy is because Simon Busuttil fails to inspire and will be remembered for what he is.  And more importantly, because everyone cannot quite forget how meritocracy was treated under Fenech Adami and Gonzi. One cannot forget that when the Nationalists accuse Muscat of taking everyone for a ride, they remind me of a prostitute lecturing about promiscuity.

Muscat is wrong. But I am not willing to take any lectures from Simon, or Beppe or Mario de Marco. I have no problem sitting down listening to some new faces like Ryan Callus, but I cannot live with the double standards of the Opposition.

Under Muscat's watch, there has not been a single call for a bloody chief executive and really, all this talk of "Malta Tagħna Llkoll" is turning out to be downright offensive: a sick joke that won't go away.

It is sad that Muscat believes he can get away with murder.

But he really shouldn't push his luck too far.

Sur Balzan, Jien vera nammirak ghal mod ta kif titkellem, hu x inhu s sugget u hu min hu!! Biss fuq din tar referendum kontra l kacca fir rebbiegha skuzani nghidlek li fl opinjoni tieghi qieghed tmur kontra dak li gie n negozjat qabel dhalna fl ewropa u wiehed mil konsulenti diretti kont propju INT STESS. Allura kif issa qieghed tirsisti daqshekk biex tiprova taghmel referendum kontra dak li nnegozjajt int stess??!! U trid taghmel dan kollhu wara dak l ingann mal kaccaturi/nassaba BASTA AKKOST TA KOLLOX DHALA FL UE!! JEKK JOGHGBOK NIXTIEQEK TIRRISPONDINI U TFIEMHNI EZATT GHAX JAF FORSI MINIEX QED NIFHEM XI HAGA MIN NAHA TIEGHI??!! GRAZZI.
sur balzan, mela inti kont wiehed min dawk li ghamilt propoganda shiha biex nidhlu gewwa l-eu! kontu tghidu nidhlu go l-eu biex inkunu bhal kull cittadin ewropej iehor! fejn hi l-ugwaljanza??? jekk isir dan ir-referendum u mbaghad naghmlu iehor kontra l-festi, kontra iz-zwiemel, kontra it-tigrijiet! ma hux gust li l-ewwel wiehed inti timponi fuq il-monoranzi..........
I don't always agree entirely with Saviour but, this time, I stand four-square with him. Bring on the referendum, I say, and let's see if the voters of Malta are still prepared to tolerate the bare-faced lies and unfetterd savagery that kaccaturi have been getting away with for so long
(1)Salv, I agree 100% with most of what you wrote. (2) (Let me put on record at the outset that I have not, nor have I or members of my family sought, any appointment from this administration.) However, let me put to you what I understood and accepted by this "TAGHNA IKOLL" phrase. After 25 years of complete domination by the PN, and later by GonziPN, of all that concerns the public service employment, tenders and all that concern money and social environment (but more especially the last 10 of these 25 years); and the complete nepotic attitude taken by these administrators, the "Taghna ilkoll" meant that in order to balance the scales there had to be PL political appointments. Why were labour leaning (or more precisely non-GonziPN leaning) left out in the cold all those years? After all, there are many PL leaning persons that are of equally high, if not higher, calibre than PNers. Don't people realise how the PN has devalued this small rock of ours? They had a magnificent opportunity to improve our standards by far, but only sought gains for themselves and their close allies. Was that how good they were? A balance must be achieved well before the ship is put on the straight and narrow. The time will come and I wager quite soon. Actually it has not been ball been Labour leaning appointments, far from it! But it is laughable to note all those PNers that expected to be kept on the taxpayers books, just because they considered themselves sons of a greater God!!
Sur Balzan, Might is right hux hekk. 34000 firma biex 24000 kaccatur jittiehdilhom id-dritt li kien gie mwieghed lilhom minn Prim Ministru President tar-Republika u diversi Ministri, Kie gie anke Gunther Verheugen iwerzaq fuq it-TV jghid lil kaccaturi li ser jibqghu jikkacjaw. Eh u bilhaqq dak iz zmien ma tafx min kien ghamel jew kiteb il-parti tal-adezjoni mal-UE li kiente trrigwardja l-kacca, ghall li jista ma kontx int hux. You got away with murder dak inhar mhux hekk!
sur balzan jiena la jien kaccatur ulanqas nassab ul ghasafar inhobbom inhobb immur il mixtla ta ghadira jekk jigi riferendu jiena nivvota favur il kaccaturi that konzjoni li isir forzar ikbar u min jinqabad multa kbira u habs mandux jiehel kulhadd grazzi
Some very confusing logic in this article regarding the referendum. I don't know what "Muscat" has got to do with it, or the Electoral Commissioner. The Referenda Act clearly gives the main role in deciding whether or not to hold a referendum to the Constitutional Court, which has even to organise hearings to guide it to reach a decision. These can take weeks. The government does not enter into the process at all. Having said that, I sincerely hope that Malta is spared this referendum. The hate it will spawn will be dangerous, and unhealthy. Do we really need to make people hate each other yet again, after the divorce referendum in 2011, after the election this year, now again in 2014? If there is lack of enforcement now, well, let's solve that problem. For how can the enforcers enforce a total ban on hunting in the future, when, according to their critics, they cannot even enforce hunting rules as they stand now?
Gilbert Bartolo
Progress jista' ma jaqbilx kemm irid, izda ir-referendum BILFORS irid isir la jingabru l-firem, irid jew ma jridx Muscat, irid jew ma jridx Simo, irid jew ma jridx Progress... il-35,000 firmatarji isejhuh ir-referendum u HADD IZJED.
Saviour let’s not forget that when Joseph Muscat was talking about Malta Taghna Lkoll, he was addressing crowds of laborites and promising them a slice of the pie at tax payers expense. In due time, Malta will discover what a horrendous mistake it was to elect JM as PM especially if this citizenship for sale law is not amended. He would become a big embarrassment for the PL as the young progressives and moderates movement that have been chosen to run this country will simply buckle under the burden of inexperience and incompetence. Unfortunately the PN cannot see the forest for the trees and has elected a disjointed and soiled opposition that rate just as bad as the JM administration due to its past shenanigans. As you quite clearly point out in your opinion whenever this worthless opposition tries to criticize this government, the Maltese people are reminded of the pot calling the kettle black. There are over 4 years left of this administration whose ascending political power is slowly eroding, but the people must become more vigilant to hold the PM accountable when it comes to safe guarding the future of their country and their children’s standing as a distinct Maltese society. Rubbing noses with leaders of third world Caribbean who mistreat their own citizens in poverty and abuse for the sake of selling EU citizenship to those that are only interested in their own greed for personal gratification is immoral and an act of treason.
Jiena haga wahda nsaqsi lis Saviour Balzan, kien hemm min f'pajjizi ohra sar referendum fuq il kacca ha tigi abolita? Jien kontra mijja fil mijja kontra min joqtol sa l-anqas ghasfur anki tal bejt ahseb u ara dawk il kbar, ma nifhimx fl-ghasafar, xejn xejn, pero jekk isir referendum kif qieghed isaqsi s-Sur Balzan jiena ma naqbilx li jsir. Jiena mhux se nivvota kontra l-kacca u bi dmir li mmur nivvota pero f'dan ir-rigward, poplu ta 400,000 ruh fejn il pajjiz hu ckejken xi hadt qieghed jiehu vantagg bil persentaggi, ghax 34,000 li jifirmaw ghal pajjizi ohra huma rahal zghir. Sorry Sur Balzan, favur niivvota, allavolja nobghod anzi nhobb narom l-ghasafar , gieli mmur L-Ghadira s-santwarju.