Assange saga is over
Michael Falzon
To his supporters – and I am one of them – Julian Assange is a valiant campaigner for truth
That white elephant in the room
Saviour Balzan
If there is one big white elephant in the room that continues to evade any mention in the Labour inner circle it has got to be the one and only Joseph Muscat
‘Not our problem’ is not exactly an answer...
Raphael Vassallo

Does the Commission seriously expect Malta (with its grand total of 10 patrol...

Does the Commission seriously expect Malta (with its grand...

We must set the standard, not give oxygen to this xenophobia
Saviour Balzan

Robert Abela has an obligation to be a mentor to his followers, he cannot...

Robert Abela has an obligation to be a mentor to his...

What all countries are facing is the challenge of trying to get it right
Josanne Cassar

This is no time for ambiguity and if we don’t want this state of uncertainty to drag on forever, the directives need to be more clear-cut and if...

This is no time for ambiguity and if we don’t want...

Here’s the crisis. Where’s the plan?
Raphael Vassallo

This is, undeniably, a crisis that is about to get much worse; and yes, there is definitely no doubt that we do need ‘immediate operational...

This is, undeniably, a crisis that is about to get much...

Air Malta: Pressing the button? | Clive Aquilina Spagnol

What needs to be addressed by the government today rather than tomorrow is...

What needs to be addressed by the government today rather...

Resilient nation: from pandemic to progress
Aaron Farrugia

This is an opportunity to make environmental improvement an integral part of...

This is an opportunity to make environmental improvement an...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan's video blog | Politicians must take a stand on racism
Saviour Balzan

It is time politicians took a stand on racism as government's controversial decision to close Malta's ports to people rescued at sea opens the...

It is time politicians took a stand on racism...

Pandemics are no excuse to just forget about human rights
Raphael Vassallo

If one national institution is permitted to violate the fundamental human...

If one national institution is permitted to violate the...

A crash landing for Air Malta pilots
Michael Falzon

The clout of the pilot’s union has dissipated and its well-known mulish attitude has led it to what can only be considered as a veritable suicide

The clout of the pilot’s union has dissipated and its...

Make peace with your conscience and your gods
Saviour Balzan

We can close our ports, deny them entry, refuse to give them food and...

We can close our ports, deny them entry, refuse to give...

No one told you life was going to be this way
Josanne Cassar

Some of Malta’s most deep-rooted traditions which mark this important...

Some of Malta’s most deep-rooted traditions which...

‘Mixed messages’? More like dangerous contradictions...
Raphael Vassallo

If I’m going to listen to anyone’s advice on how to safeguard my...

If I’m going to listen to anyone’s advice on...

‘God’s punishment’ for what, exactly?
Raphael Vassallo

If there are, indeed, people out there who genuinely believe that this virus is...

If there are, indeed, people out there who genuinely...

Judging the judges
Michael Falzon

Appointing persons in certain posts with two-thirds majority in Parliament is achievable and not impossible – as some claim

Appointing persons in certain posts with two-thirds...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan's video blog | Hunters are the privileged few
Saviour Balzan

Government has sent out a mixed message by allowing the spring hunting season...

Government has sent out a mixed message by allowing the...

It looks ugly for Europe. This crisis takes us into uncharted territory
Mark Camilleri

Historian Mark Camilleri does not want to be a prophet of doom, but he thinks the pandemic’s effect on political and social life could unleash impacts...

Historian Mark Camilleri does not want to be a prophet of...

One month on... how much longer can this be sustained?
Josanne Cassar

This weird reality has quickly separated the country into different types of...

This weird reality has quickly separated the country into...

Alla illiberani
Saviour Balzan

Robert Abela will decide whether he is any different a leader to Eddie Fenech Adami, Lawrence Gonzi, or Joseph Muscat, the people who played the pipers’...

Robert Abela will decide whether he is any different a...