Dear El Kajboj, of course you are right! It is clear your spell checker sometimes works better than mine. Although my spell checker's publisher duly informed me, that it was a silly typing error, he never imagined that anyone would make a court case out of it! Let alone make bombastic claims to win a political point. But anyway, for your and his sins, I send him off to sit in the corner with the deuce hat on. Bil-haqq, say thank you to your publisher for me! Anyway, seriously; (1) take a look at the opinion piece by Lino Spiteri in the TOM of last Monday, and you will have your answer. (2) The oil scandal was in GonziPN's hands more then 2 years ago and MT broke the story a year back. The IIP is just now and has absolutely nothing to do with the oil scandal. Of course apart from the Euro Billions to be milked from it; however this time by the Maltese nation.
@BETTER FUTURE, if you want to try and call out my argument, at least spell correctly. Its nom-de-plume. Glad to have thought you another lesson :) As to BFA's comments I can't but agree with you, but as for the police.....who is pulling the strings now? Isn't the new Commissioner a labourite? So how are the police asking Mr.Balzan to give-up his source when they are not being "controlled" by GONZIPN anymore? These are the things you should be asking. Let me answer for you. The MLP want to try and make up for the Citizenship debacle by bringing up the oil scandal in the courts and get to the bottom of it immediately and thus save face. That is what is going on. They are ready to sacrifice Minister Dr.Mallia in order to win some points for the MEP and next election.
El Kajboj, you made your case as badly as you spell your non-de-plume. The subject under discussion was Beppe's efforts to somehow implicate some PL elements into the cauldron, so in the minds of the "popolin" blame would be somewhat shared. I can just picture the TOM comments board burning alight with; "You see, x'gharukasa. So the PL has done something wrong too. X'gharukasa, why do they insist on blaming it all on goodie-goodie, fluffy-fluffy Gonzi" Beppe's efforts produced better results the hearing before last. This time even Georgie told him off; and Beppe backed down because he realised his poker hand had been busted.
I hope after all your troubles the culprits will get what they deserve and justice will be done,so that all of this wont be for nothing and the guilty keep filling up their bellies.
If Mr.Balzan is being pressured by THE POLICE to give in the whistle-blower, how can it be the PN that is putting up this whole charade?? That is what I was trying to imply, because all you did was mention the PN when it is the MLP who are leading the police force now and who are putting pressure on Mr.Balzan. That is the point I was trying to make.
Dear El Kajboj, ehhHH? Where did I mention the Police? You lost me!
Joseph MELI•
Dear Saviour ,
While clearly your Sav-Nav is fully operational, intact and morally upright it is easy for all of us to offer our support for you, but unless these many 'offers' are to be meaningful and effective we need to start a campaign to provide tangible support -both financial and theoretical, as in a petition - to you .As if ensconced in the slammer such support is of little practical value.So let's know how we can really help as the real issue is being circumvented by this smokescreen of a dog and pony show being concocted to cover the ineptitude of the police an deflect the attention away from the real crux of the matter .Kurragg Siehbe!
Dear BETTER FUTURE, you should know who the king of the police is at the moment right? He is a fervent Labourite, placed there by Labourites and constantly defended for his actions by the PL. So don't place the blame SOLELY on BFA's shoulders. BFA, I agree 100%, tried to place pressure, but I don't think he is the head of the police force or the Minister responsible for Police, so please don't spew your one sided logic on this blog.
As to Mr.Balzan, hold strong, as you rightly said if the veil of protection is lifted from your sources, then there will never be any whistle-blowing and any wrong-doings will move out of the public eye. It seems that someone in power wants this to happen either before he commits something of the source or else he has committed it already and wants to deter anyone going to the media about it.
Salv, hold tight in there. YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT! Most of Malta is with you on this, even diehard PNers. You are right about Beppe. Even George noticed, and shoved him off, asserting that those proceedings were not a political battlefield. The PN are plainly trying to exercise damage limitation, whilst concurrently attempting to involve MM, so as to shift/share the dirt. You could even follow this trend in the TOM comments board. They will not succeed. The Maltese are not so stupid. As I said before even Beppe was taken aback by the resistance shown @ the PAC, and he backed down!
It is already evident that you have a large number of individuals who are in agreement with your decision, who support, and wish you well. My suggestion; is not to talk to the police, after which, at the appropriate time, you may be approached with an offer of a Presidential pardon.
Saviour, I cannot fathom the stress and anxiety you are undergoing at this moment. I am in full solidarity with you. The Police seem to be coerced by the Government (I hope not) to intimidate you to reveal your source. Journalists like you all over the world are assasinated for this type of reality which I believe in Christian Malta we still have some decency as you mentioned that democracy works and freedom of speech. Lately I had a very dark experience of some members of the Police Force trying to do everything in their power to advance in their position at the detriment of truth in the course of justice. This is so worrisome and sad. So, even as I am a firm believer of the socialist philosophy, I support your firmness to the Police or other entity and I implore you do not worry more than necessary. I pray for you because I believe that God exists and He is always on the side of those who do good or try to do so. Be calm and try to sleep at night. God bless you and your family.