Cartoon: 13 May 2015
EU leaders get ready to search and destroy smugglers boats... war games revisited.
EU leaders get ready to search and destroy smugglers...
Cartoon: 10 May 2015
Scuttling off Giovanna Debono - more change inside the PN.
Scuttling off Giovanna Debono - more change inside the PN.
Cartoon: 6 May 2015
The carrot-and-stick approach for the new ODZ university...
The carrot-and-stick approach for the new ODZ university...
Cartoon: 3 May 2015
No problems for the Prime Minister with the online rants of WTO 'special envoy' Joe Grima
No problems for the Prime Minister with the online rants of...
Cartoon: 29 April 2015
Deciphering Joseph Muscat's tweet announcing the closure of the spring hunting season
Deciphering Joseph Muscat's tweet announcing the...
Cartoon: 26 April 2015
France and the UK get ready to ask the United Nations for a Security Council resolution to destroy smugglers' boats inside Libyan ports
France and the UK get ready to ask the United Nations for a...
Cartoon: 22 April 2015
Migrants' journey to death trying to reach Europe
Migrants' journey to death trying to reach Europe
Cartoon: 19 April 2015
Protected species Lino Farrugia and Joe Perici Calascione have an enthusiastic supporter
Protected species Lino Farrugia and Joe Perici Calascione...
Cartoon: 15 April 2015
Spring hunting and the referendum: the battle was lost, but not the war...
Spring hunting and the referendum: the battle was lost, but...
Cartoon: 12 April 2015
Joseph Muscat invites Lawrence Gonzi to the unveiling of the interconnector to pay him tribute while Simon Busuttil claims that the prime minister has divided...
Joseph Muscat invites Lawrence Gonzi to the unveiling of...
Cartoon: 8 April 2015
Jalal Husni Bey of the HB Group tells the Maltese not fear high-rise buildings as he embarks on the Metropolis tower project in Gzira
Jalal Husni Bey of the HB Group tells the Maltese not fear...
Cartoon: 5 April 2015
Life of the birds, as explained by chief hunting lobbyist Joe Perici Calascione
Life of the birds, as explained by chief hunting lobbyist...
Cartoon: 1 April 2015
Birds want you to vote 'no' against spring hunting
Birds want you to vote 'no' against spring hunting
Cartoon: 29 March 2015
The refeferendum on the future of spring hunting will determine the fate of breeding birds during migration
The refeferendum on the future of spring hunting will...
Cartoon: 25 March 2015
A pair of hunters contemplate the lexical accuracy of a referendum-inspired graffito.
A pair of hunters contemplate the lexical accuracy of a...
Cartoon: 22 March 2015
Hunters prop up their campaign to retain spring hunting by donating blood.
Hunters prop up their campaign to retain spring hunting by...
Cartoon: 15 March 2015
Energy minister Konrad Mizzi has an important communication to make...
Energy minister Konrad Mizzi has an important communication...