The many October 7s
They deserve to live in peace and security as dignified human beings. They deserve a better life and leaders on all sides have a duty to make this happen
Bernard Grech’s long road ahead
The Opposition leader should be credited with bringing about a sense of normality to a party that witnessed a rebellion by some of its MPs in 2020 and friction among its rank and...
‘Who is government trying to fool?’

There will be no ‘Team Malta’ high-fives if our country’s leaders expect us to ignore the fact that, of the top 40 days in which Malta...

There will be no ‘Team Malta’ high-fives if our...

Over-familiarity breeds corruption

This inquiry should cast a light on how a number of inexplicable permits – some in violation of policies – were approved; and come out with clear...

This inquiry should cast a light on how a number of...

It is the role of the press to ask uncomfortable questions

Journalism is there to mediate between a public that cannot question the people...

Journalism is there to mediate between a public that cannot...

Time to consider a soft lockdown

While a full lockdown may be counterproductive at this stage, it may make sense to encourage people to work from home, reintroduce measures against group...

While a full lockdown may be counterproductive at this...

Case closed? Not quite

There can be no justice for Caruana Galizia if the alleged involvement of the PM’s former chief of staff Keith Schembri, through his assistance...

There can be no justice for Caruana Galizia if...

European minimum wage: when more Europe means better conditions

There are legitimate concerns with raising the minimum wage: this would...

There are legitimate concerns with raising the minimum...

A welcome precedent for development in Malta

Perhaps, after years of criticism for over-developing Tigné, MIDI now...

Perhaps, after years of criticism for over-developing...

No time to lower our guard

To insist on more mass-events now – at a point where only a tiny fraction of the population has been vaccinated; and when more potent variants of the...

To insist on more mass-events now – at a point where...

Gender equality still elusive (even this Valentine's Day)

The pandemic has affected more than just the ability to commemorate this...

The pandemic has affected more than just the ability to...

Prison may not be the answer to all criminality problems

Apart from the length of judicial proceedings questions have been raised on...

Apart from the length of judicial proceedings questions...

FIAU must be supported by lawmakers

The backlash against the FIAU by ‘critics’ who should know better – but whose friends in the financial services...

The backlash against the FIAU...

The risk of dependence on foreign workers

For liberal democracy itself is based on the notion of no taxation without...

For liberal democracy itself is based on the notion of no...

Addressing the reality of tomorrow's workplace

This is, in fact, a major downside to the government’s economic strategy:...

This is, in fact, a major downside to the...

A new class of vulnerable

One cannot also miss the irony, that the army of delivery workers in Malta in 2020 were an essential part of the COVID-19 ‘frontline’, as it were:...

One cannot also miss the irony, that the army of delivery...

Making the best of a (very) bad deal

It remains, however, a case of making the best out of a (very) bad deal. As such, it is important not to repeat the mistakes of the past

It remains, however, a case of making the best out of a...

Gender quotas should be part of a holistic electoral reform

It is a pity, then, that yet another opportunity to kick-start this much-needed...

It is a pity, then, that yet another opportunity to...

Contempt of court, or gagging order?

One would surely have assumed that the justice system is, in fact, robust enough to avoid being unduly influenced by such observations

One would surely have assumed that the justice system is,...

There is no ‘vaccine’ for corruption

Over and above the immediate urgency of the COVID-19 pandemic, we also need to start talking about a return to some form of institutional normality...

Over and above the immediate urgency of the COVID-19...