Whatever happened to the Equality Bill?
Only a healthy and constructive debate can help smoothen the edges and make it a better albeit realistic law
Government should stop giving trappers false hope
The ECJ has seen through government’s ruse and the latest judgment is clear enough, which begs the question as to why Clint Camilleri wants to persist in leading trappers...
'Full up' is no answer to the challenge of migration

It is in this sense that Government and Opposition should really join forces:...

It is in this sense that Government and Opposition should...

Rule of law concerns PM must act upon

Abela and his ministers should not hope our corruption problem might just go away... It will cost them dearly if they make inaction on rule of law and...

Abela and his ministers should not hope our corruption...

The price of maladministration

For even if there is room to complain about the USA’s arguably heavy-handed and overbearing pressure… the fact remains that we have no one but...

For even if there is room to complain about the USA’s...

Still far to go for gender equality

Wider gender equality rights include the right of women to participate in public life without harassment; to determine their own futures, unfettered by...

Wider gender equality rights include the right of women to...

Too late, but not  too little

Nonetheless, the fact that the machinery of justice has finally sprung into action – even if so late in the day – remains an important step in the...

Nonetheless, the fact that the machinery of justice has...

A due diligence report that leaves us none the wiser

The idea to introduce a due diligence process was commendable for the PN, but...

The idea to introduce a due diligence process was...

A leadership election, without leadership

On both sides of the divide, it seems the one thing that has been conspicuously...

On both sides of the divide, it seems the one thing that...

Prison should be a place of reform, not retribution

Rights come with responsibilities; and a State which so cavalierly disregards...

Rights come with responsibilities; and a State which so...

Bernard Grech’s ‘carelessness’ may prove costly

Grech’s ‘carelessness’ – not to mention his nonchalance...

Grech’s ‘carelessness’ – not to...

Abela risks being dragged down by Muscat’s legacy

Were it not for the extraordinary circumstances we are currently living in,...

Were it not for the extraordinary circumstances we are...

The risks of prostitution reform

It is therefore paramount that this reform is guided by experts and social workers with clear knowledge of what is happening in the field. Anything less would...

It is therefore paramount that this reform is guided by...

Justice for Daphne is justice for Malta

‘Justice for Daphne is justice for Malta’: a simple affirmation that need not unravel the progressive achievements of the decade, but demand a...

‘Justice for Daphne is justice for Malta’: a...

PBS belongs to the people, not government

The service must place people, and not the parties, as the centre of focus

The service must place people, and not the parties, as the...

Leaving no stone unturned

Joseph Muscat’s summoning only became possible after all the major political protagonists involved in the Panama affair had likewise either resigned, or...

Joseph Muscat’s summoning only became possible after...

Taking broadcasting absurdity to new heights

Rather than confront the issue of ‘impartiality’, then, the...

Rather than confront the issue of...

Politicians, give way to the experts on COVID-19 spike

Malta’s re-opening of the economy was at best haphazard, and did not...

Malta’s re-opening of the economy was at best...

An interview that raises more questions than answers

As with the scapegoating of migrants, this also comes across as a way of...

As with the scapegoating of migrants, this also comes...

Risking on COVID-19 could be economically lethal

Just as a total lockdown could not have been the answer to Malta’s health...

Just as a total lockdown could not have been the answer to...