We need to speak on electoral reform
The question we should be asking ourselves in the aftermath of the European and local council elections is, should our electoral system ensure that an increasingly variegated...
Déjà vu: When all else fails, blame civil servants
The last thing this country needs is a political witch hunt within the public service
A collapse in health and safety standards

The Labour administration has so far displayed sensitivity to such matters in...

The Labour administration has so far displayed sensitivity...

Gazing into the future

The PN has already been dismembered by wedge issues like gay marriage and adoptions; without a socially liberal orientation it will be condemned to stay as a...

The PN has already been dismembered by wedge issues like...

Detoxifying the PN brand

The fast pace of Labour’s civil society reforms left conservatives gasping for air. In the process, the ‘silent majority’ once believed to...

The fast pace of Labour’s civil society reforms left...

Good intentions are not enough

People want fairness, nothing more, nothing less. They want equity, and demand that the market does not rule every aspect of their life. They want intervention...

People want fairness, nothing more, nothing less. They want...

The PN truly needs a ‘New Way’

It would be futile to deny, however, that the problems facing the PN go far beyond its leadership issues, or even this result in itself

It would be futile to deny, however, that the problems...

Words must be translated into policies

Nonetheless, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s speech, though late in the day, set the right tone for a meaningful debate to take place. But our collective...

Nonetheless, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s speech,...

‘Putting children at risk’

One must also point out that the State – which has a Constitutional obligation to provide free education in Malta – is duty-bound to ascertain that...

One must also point out that the State – which has a...

Overplaying the abortion card

It is perhaps to be expected that the Nationalist Party leader would resort to playing this card. This is, after all, not the first time that the PN has...

It is perhaps to be expected that the Nationalist Party...

Parks are needed where people live

No amount of distant public parks can compensate for the lack of any breathing space from fumes and construction in one's own locality

No amount of distant public parks can compensate for the...

Small parties not making inroads

One must therefore question why the smaller parties are struggling to make inroads. One cannot ignore the structural imbalance against third parties in a...

One must therefore question why the smaller parties are...

An election-eve, environmental epiphany

It was almost to be expected, therefore, that a government that has grossly neglected the state of Malta’s natural environment, would attempt to make...

It was almost to be expected, therefore, that a government...

Not a deliberate strategy, but indicative nonetheless

The decrease in the number of PN candidates in some localities may be more...

The decrease in the number of PN candidates in some...

Construction sector reforms have failed

The one thing we clearly cannot do is rely on the country's regulatory apparatuse to do its job

The one thing we clearly cannot do is rely on the...

When court orders must be defied

The media has a Constitutionally obligation to publish information about court cases, but there are nonetheless exceptions to this right

The media has a Constitutionally obligation to publish...

People first, not profits

Malta’s few remaining public spaces are being taken over for the profit of countless bars and restaurants with encroachments that allow platforms to be...

Malta’s few remaining public spaces are being taken...

No excuse not to implement GRECO reforms

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said in Parliament that the criticism levelled by Greco was partially a result of the "irresponsible way" the Opposition...

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said in Parliament that the...

Cynical resolution on Gozo tunnel

The parliamentary attempt to rope in the Nationalist opposition to back the development can be interpreted as just another cynical pre-electoral move to...

The parliamentary attempt to rope in the Nationalist...

An indictment of our political culture

It should not really surprise us that the unwholesome situation mapped out in the GRECO report – which we have all tacitly accepted – would...

It should not really surprise us that the unwholesome...