Syria’s newfound hope and future fraught with risk
After decades of brutal repression, it will not be easy for Syrian communities...
After decades of brutal repression, it will not be easy for...

It’s time for a mature debate on euthanasia
With the Maltese government having an electoral mandate to kick off a...
With the Maltese government having an electoral mandate to...

Malta’s public finance review: Good, but can improve
In simple terms, what Malta’s assessment shows is that the...
In simple terms, what Malta’s assessment shows is...

Sexualising a woman is not accountability
If we truly care about justice and integrity, we must hold the right people...
If we truly care about justice and integrity, we must hold...

The Bartolo-Camilleri affair will not go away
No tax cut and Children’s Allowance increase will ever match the...
No tax cut and Children’s Allowance increase will...

Why pointing a finger at PN MPs is just an attempt to muddy the waters
Rather than claim false outrage, the Labour Party should take it on itself to reform the system so that MPs employed with the public service are helped to...
Rather than claim false outrage, the Labour Party should...

EU unprepared for Trumpian storm ahead
The Trumpian storm ahead will undoubtedly create geopolitical uncertainty, especially in Europe
The Trumpian storm ahead will undoubtedly create...

The Labour Party’s quagmire and breaching the ‘no beef’ barrier
This game of appeasement has weakened Abela’s moral authority to stand up...
This game of appeasement has weakened Abela’s moral...

‘Sorry’: The new quality standard
Meanwhile, honest, hardworking people will have to console themselves with Bartolo’s 'sorry'. It’s the new quality standard, it seems
Meanwhile, honest, hardworking people will have to console...

Prime Minister ignoring his own benchmark
If Prime Minister Robert Abela adopts the same benchmark he used when asking...
If Prime Minister Robert Abela adopts the same benchmark he...

A confident performance
Micallef appeared well-briefed and knowledgeable on the various cultural, educational and youth-oriented programmes and initiatives at EU level
Micallef appeared well-briefed and knowledgeable on the...

Vision 2050: An admirable initiative but excuse our cynicism
A cynical electorate may not give too much thought to lofty ideals unless they...
A cynical electorate may not give too much thought to lofty...

A nod to the hardworking middle class
Middle class Malta will relish the cut in income tax but it will also continue to observe in silence how Robert Abela’s government discharges its...
Middle class Malta will relish the cut in income tax but it...

Middle class Malta will be watching
An income tax cut will not solve all the ills associated with an electorate that is exasperated with Robert Abela’s government but it will go a...
An income tax cut will not solve all the ills associated...

A damning indictment of our democracy
The only difference between the two is that politicians are more willing to sit down and enjoy the company of those who have deep pockets. And this is a...
The only difference between the two is that politicians are...

Will the magistrate’s peers step up to the plate?
Mr Justice Lawrence Mintoff did not mince his words in what is ostensibly the...
Mr Justice Lawrence Mintoff did not mince his words in what...

When the bomb went off
The bomb that killed Daphne also ignited our collective conscience and made us realise over time that the first step for criminals to succeed is for good...
The bomb that killed Daphne also ignited our collective...

Recalibrating the economic model
With public frustrations mounting, the government faces a dilemma: Can it continue to sustain this economic growth while also addressing the growing social and...
With public frustrations mounting, the government faces a...