Parks are needed where people live
No amount of distant public parks can compensate for the lack of any breathing space from fumes and construction in one's own locality
No amount of distant public parks can compensate for the...

Small parties not making inroads
One must therefore question why the smaller parties are struggling to make inroads. One cannot ignore the structural imbalance against third parties in a...
One must therefore question why the smaller parties are...

An election-eve, environmental epiphany
It was almost to be expected, therefore, that a government that has grossly neglected the state of Malta’s natural environment, would attempt to make...
It was almost to be expected, therefore, that a government...

Not a deliberate strategy, but indicative nonetheless
The decrease in the number of PN candidates in some localities may be more...
The decrease in the number of PN candidates in some...

Construction sector reforms have failed
The one thing we clearly cannot do is rely on the country's regulatory apparatuse to do its job
The one thing we clearly cannot do is rely on the...

When court orders must be defied
The media has a Constitutionally obligation to publish information about court cases, but there are nonetheless exceptions to this right
The media has a Constitutionally obligation to publish...

People first, not profits
Malta’s few remaining public spaces are being taken over for the profit of countless bars and restaurants with encroachments that allow platforms to be...
Malta’s few remaining public spaces are being taken...

No excuse not to implement GRECO reforms
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said in Parliament that the criticism levelled by Greco was partially a result of the "irresponsible way" the Opposition...
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said in Parliament that the...

Cynical resolution on Gozo tunnel
The parliamentary attempt to rope in the Nationalist opposition to back the development can be interpreted as just another cynical pre-electoral move to...
The parliamentary attempt to rope in the Nationalist...

An indictment of our political culture
It should not really surprise us that the unwholesome situation mapped out in the GRECO report – which we have all tacitly accepted – would...
It should not really surprise us that the unwholesome...

Fuelling suspicions
Protest and activism is an important part of any democracy. The relative comfort that comes with a growing economy must not lull us into complacency that...
Protest and activism is an important part of any democracy....

Piracy is as piracy does
If a crime was committed, it took the form of attempting to return survivors to a place where they faced a well-founded fear of persecution
If a crime was committed, it took the form of attempting to...

Adrian Delia must consider his political options
If the issue were only about Adrian Delia, one might understand his defiance....
If the issue were only about Adrian Delia, one might...

Separation of powers is long overdue
Given the events of the past three years alone – where the AG’s role has been repeatedly called into question – it is surprising that it even...
Given the events of the past three years alone –...

Complacency is not an option
Higher property prices mean that entrants into the home ownership market – mostly young couples – will find it much harder to buy, especially at a...
Higher property prices mean that entrants into the home...

Humanity’s inevitable fate
We thirst for the altruism of the young, and the inter-generational justice that must be delivered for the mess that we and those before us have made of...
We thirst for the altruism of the young, and the...

In defence of long-term planning
In reality, however, over the past six years of economic growth we have seen little sign of this: especially in the planning sector, where the emphasis has...
In reality, however, over the past six years of economic...

Women still unequal on their day
Measures that disrupt and short-circuit structures of equality are indeed necessary, but they must also start deep inside the culture of politics
Measures that disrupt and short-circuit structures of...