Why voting in European elections matters
Even if EU institutions may feel too far away and aloof from the daily struggles people face, Malta is part of these decision-making structures and not an adjunct to them
A judge’s timely reminder that getting back to normal is still a tough trek
Mr Justice Lawrence Mintoff’s scathing remarks on Keith Schembri’s conflict of interest are ostensibly, the strongest to be made by a respected member of the judiciary...
Back to school, back to traffic

Back to school also means back to high traffic congestion at particular peak times in a number of localities

Back to school also means back to high traffic congestion...

Back to school, back to traffic

Only a truly innovative transport system which takes cars off the road – without replacing them with buses or minivans – can alleviate...

Only a truly innovative transport system which takes cars...

Questions about Malta’s Independence, 52 years later

In most areas of identity, the questions remain wide open

In most areas of identity, the questions remain wide open

In praise of ‘Occupy Manoel Island’

Lurking beneath the surface is a deep-rooted and widespread sense of discontent concerning our country’s strategic use of land

Lurking beneath the surface is a deep-rooted and widespread...

The mark of Panama

Leo Brincat's vote against the no-confidence motion filed against Konrad Mizzi caused him to pay the ultimate price before a majority of MEPs who...

Leo Brincat's vote against the no-confidence motion...

What happened to the Panama Papers investigation?

There is more than just a political dimension to the Panama Papers; and...

There is more than just a political dimension to the Panama...

To be ineffective, or not to be effective

Former environment minister Leo Brincat’s grilling before the European...

Former environment minister Leo Brincat’s grilling...

The planning amnesty is wrong. We must end the cycle of sanctioning illegality

The Planning Authority seems to have been unable to control abusive development

The Planning Authority seems to have been unable to control...

August is the cruellest month, and Labour knows it

August is a time when most people ‘switch off’ from the usual...

August is a time when most people ‘switch off’...

Taking over the asylum

In a country where so much still depends on a system of political patronage, this can only raise suspicions of nepotism in the broader sense of the word

In a country where so much still depends on a system of...

Crunch time for Air Malta

The path has now been cleared for the new business plan to take off

The path has now been cleared for the new business plan to...

Have the floodgates been opened?

The Gozo Chamber's proposal may well open the floodgates to speculative abuse that will almost certainly destroy Gozo’s inimitable character

The Gozo Chamber's proposal may well open the...

Stopping the revolving door for top public servants

The expression refers to a process whereby legislators or regulators...

The expression refers to a process whereby legislators or...

Malta’s planning regime needs urgent reform

The controversial Rural Policy in Design Guidelines, approved in 2014,...

The controversial Rural Policy in Design Guidelines,...

Malta’s test of fire

Malta's presidency over the European Council will be a crucial test for our national leadership

Malta's presidency over the European Council will be a...

Too much authority, too little planning

Taken in isolation the four towers may not have a dramatic impact; but if one, two or three other high-rises are approved in a locality which stands in the...

Taken in isolation the four towers may not have a dramatic...

Is Muscat’s success Mintoff’s failure?

Joseph Muscat argued that the country’s success was built on his...

Joseph Muscat argued that the country’s success was...

The MaltaToday stand on euthanasia | A question of dignity

The way a society cares for its people, the way its healthcare succours its...

The way a society cares for its people, the way its...