Police reform more urgent than ever
As the chief entity responsible for the enforcement of law and order, even a single case of dereliction of duty can seriously undermine public trust in an area...
As the chief entity responsible for the enforcement of law...

Censorship is no substitute for enforcement
Earlier this month, Justice Minister Owen Bonnici announced that his government...
Earlier this month, Justice Minister Owen Bonnici announced...

A high-risk gamble
This week’s events have clearly demonstrated what a high-risk gamble the online gaming industry can be for countries that rely too heavily on it as...
This week’s events have clearly demonstrated what a...

Party financing: a lost opportunity
Past efforts to introduce such a law have always been hamstrung by the failure of the two main political parties to ever agree on the finer details.
Past efforts to introduce such a law have always been...

Whose job is it to ‘watch MEPA like a hawk’?
The government’s ‘strategic plan for the environment’ had...
The government’s ‘strategic plan for the...

Humiliating Greece comes at a price
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s stance before the longest summit in EU history got underway on Sunday afternoon contrasted greatly with the dovish stand...
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s stance before the...

Closing the gaps on freedom of expression
The latest reform signals a change in Maltese governments’...
The latest reform signals a change in Maltese...
Rushing to dismantle the goalposts
Too often in the past we have seen cases where MEPA’s regulations – often criticised for being ‘strong with the weak and weak with the...
Too often in the past we have seen cases where MEPA’s...

Time to raise police standards
Unfortunately the police force is not new to controversies and the recent events underline the wholesome reform needed to restore the citizens’...
Unfortunately the police force is not new to controversies...

Greece’s final countdown
Tsipras has to date played the card that the impositions of the so-called ‘troika’ run counter to the spirit of democracy that his country...
Tsipras has to date played the card that the impositions of...

Assets and liabilities
There is mounting evidence that the annual declaration of assets is not taken seriously by the ministers themselves, and more pointedly by the public at...
There is mounting evidence that the annual declaration of...

Government must prove it listens
Perhaps we have become so inured to empty catchphrases that we no longer even expect incoming governments to actually stand by their electoral promises.
Perhaps we have become so inured to empty catchphrases...

The thin red lines
The overwhelming impression is that the entire island is turning into one continuous building site.
The overwhelming impression is that the entire island is...

An environmental rebirth
It would seem that an unintended consequence of the Zonqor controversy was to place the environment back at the forefront of the national agenda
It would seem that an unintended consequence of the Zonqor...

Political responsibility must be shouldered
As long as the party funding remains unregulated at law, one can only expect...
As long as the party funding remains unregulated at law,...

Too many coincidences
Whatever the surname, people are justified in questioning whether it was a ‘lucky coincidence’ that led to the acquisition of a property so close...
Whatever the surname, people are justified in questioning...

Not in ‘the national interest’
When still in opposition, the Labour Party had insisted – not without good reason – on a revised code which ironed out all the loopholes and...
When still in opposition, the Labour Party had insisted...

Concrete evidence of unaccountability
As is only to be expected, the results have already been spun into political arguments by either side.
As is only to be expected, the results have already been...