Government must prove it listens
Perhaps we have become so inured to empty catchphrases that we no longer even expect incoming governments to actually stand by their electoral promises.
Perhaps we have become so inured to empty catchphrases...
The thin red lines
The overwhelming impression is that the entire island is turning into one continuous building site.
The overwhelming impression is that the entire island is...
An environmental rebirth
It would seem that an unintended consequence of the Zonqor controversy was to place the environment back at the forefront of the national agenda
It would seem that an unintended consequence of the Zonqor...
Political responsibility must be shouldered
As long as the party funding remains unregulated at law, one can only expect...
As long as the party funding remains unregulated at law,...
Too many coincidences
Whatever the surname, people are justified in questioning whether it was a ‘lucky coincidence’ that led to the acquisition of a property so close...
Whatever the surname, people are justified in questioning...
Not in ‘the national interest’
When still in opposition, the Labour Party had insisted – not without good reason – on a revised code which ironed out all the loopholes and...
When still in opposition, the Labour Party had insisted...
Concrete evidence of unaccountability
As is only to be expected, the results have already been spun into political arguments by either side.
As is only to be expected, the results have already been...
Undermining whistleblower protection
To undermine this critical piece of legislation would be a grave disservice to a justice system that had in the past always struggled when it came to heavily...
To undermine this critical piece of legislation would be a...
‘Low and below specification’
Exactly why the FMS would be so keen to exonerate the suppliers and developers of any serious structural issues that may later arise, is a question that has...
Exactly why the FMS would be so keen to exonerate the...
Justice is not a game
With the justice minister enjoying almost plenipotentiary powers to appoint magistrates without explanation and or transparency, it is hard to resist the...
With the justice minister enjoying almost plenipotentiary...
Air Malta must remain a national asset
The government remains committed to turning the company around and make it “commercially viable by 2016” – but past efforts, including a...
The government remains committed to turning the company...
A credibility test for Muscat
Initially, the choice of the Zonqor site for the development of a new university campus was presented as a provisional decision, with the government claiming...
Initially, the choice of the Zonqor site for the...
A blessing in disguise for the PN
The recent resignation of former Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono from the Nationalist Party – but not from parliament, where she retains the seat she won...
The recent resignation of former Gozo Minister Giovanna...
Time to move beyond political feudalism
This was the second high-level political resignation in the past year, after former Home Affairs minister Manuel Mallia was made to step down following an...
This was the second high-level political resignation in the...
Breathing relevance into the Presidency
Since becoming President of the Republic, former social policy minister Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca has certainly not allowed the position to influence her...
Since becoming President of the Republic, former social...
A bold step in the right direction
Even if it comes late in the day, it is welcome news if Parliament takes the step to debate a policy for the protection of public land – especially the...
Even if it comes late in the day, it is welcome news if...
Spring hunting issue far from settled
Despite a meagre season for migration this spring, hunters still managed to pepper the season with irregularities.
Despite a meagre season for migration this spring,...
Migration requires a long-term vision
After so many years of virtually ignoring the issue, it makes a welcome change that Europe finally intends to address the problem head-on.
After so many years of virtually ignoring the issue, it...