
Sanctioning government policy
If MEPA is to retain credibility as an environment and planning authority, it must convince the public that its decisions are indeed guided by the best...
If MEPA is to retain credibility as an environment and...

A test of EU leadership
If Europe wants to be taken seriously on the international stage it must show some leadership over Russia's annexation of Crima
If Europe wants to be taken seriously on the international...

Parties need to update their message
Instead of substance, viewers were treated to a near-constant exchange of barbs and digs in the last Xarabank debate between the two leaders
Instead of substance, viewers were treated to a...

Too big to fail?
From all angles, the Café Premier settlement only makes sense when viewed as the government bail-out of an ailing private enterprise
From all angles, the Café Premier settlement only...

Undermining the Presidency
The appointment of President-designate Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, though arguably well-intentioned, may have unwittingly opened a can of worms.
The appointment of President-designate Marie Louise Coleiro...

One year later…
Much more work needs to be done if Joseph Muscat is to deliver on his most important electoral promise of all: the creation of an egalitarian society based on...
Much more work needs to be done if Joseph Muscat is to...
Justice must be seen to be done
As the latest Enemalta scandal unfolds, there is an increasing danger of losing sight of what really happened in the mad scramble to apportion or deflect...
As the latest Enemalta scandal unfolds, there is an...
A loss for the people?
The next President should be able to offer a social, reconciliatory hand and straddle the political divide as a unifying figurehead, embracing an understanding...
The next President should be able to offer a social,...
No waivers on ethics
Franco Mercieca should make his plans for the immediate future clear
Franco Mercieca should make his plans for the immediate...
A legion of small fry
The government is claiming to have advice from the Attorney General that what so many consumers and businesses did in paying the perpetrators of the rigged...
The government is claiming to have advice from the Attorney...
Politics of perception
The results of our survey about the popularity of Cabinet ministers make for interesting and occasionally surprising reading.
The results of our survey about the popularity of Cabinet...
No one is above the law
The UN said Church rules are not in conformity with provisions relating to children's rights to be protected against discrimination, violence and all forms of...
The UN said Church rules are not in conformity with...
A long overdue step in the right direction
A system of state funding may go some distance towards addressing an apparently...
A system of state funding may go some distance towards...
Some citizens are more equal
The revised IIP scheme launched last Thursday may have satisfied the European Commission, but one of the main bones of contention has been left unaddressed.
The revised IIP scheme launched last Thursday may have...
Putting Church and State asunder
Ordinary citizens fully concur with the need for a separation between ecclesiastical and government affairs
Ordinary citizens fully concur with the need for a...
Governing in prose
If there was a lesson to be learnt from recent events, it would be that Muscat and his government should stop believing their own hype
If there was a lesson to be learnt from recent events, it...
Addicted to politics
The choice of next President may provide an opportunity to begin a ‘detox’ process to address the country’s burgeoning political addiction.
The choice of next President may provide an opportunity to...
Protecting the most basic principles of democracy
MaltaToday will further undertake all legal courses of action available, should...
MaltaToday will further undertake all legal courses of...