Fenech’s bail is an indictment of the criminal justice system
It seems the government has slept on a reform to ensure a more efficient criminal justice system, which is disturbing when one considers the zeal and speed by which it moved...
Dignity and compassion in death can take different forms
Robust legislation should allow terminal patients to decide for themselves if, when and how they want to go without pressure from friends, family and doctors
After the honeymoon, a deep dive into planning policies

The government should do a stocktake of those areas that were added to the...

The government should do a stocktake of those areas that...

Walliams’s €120,000 was unjustified

So, yes it does seem unfair when a government entity appears unscrupulously cavalier about paying €120,000 to a foreign performer for an exclusive event...

So, yes it does seem unfair when a government entity...

Let’s have a conversation about miscarriage

It’s about time this country had a conversation about miscarriage and...

It’s about time this country had a conversation about...

A feasible plan for the health sector is required

After eight years of pinning its hopes on a fraudulent deal to deliver change...

After eight years of pinning its hopes on a fraudulent deal...

Robert Abela should back off from criticising ongoing hospitals inquiry

The Prime Minister has disarmed himself of the moral authority to tell his supporters to back off and allow the institutions to do their job if the inquiry...

The Prime Minister has disarmed himself of the moral...

A cannabis milestone

ARUC must ensure continuous monitoring and evaluation to fine-tune and change the regulatory framework as necessary to keep the shadow economy at bay and...

ARUC must ensure continuous monitoring and evaluation to...

The country can do without the burden of a Muscat candidacy

If Robert Abela does not have the strength to turn down Muscat, the Labour...

If Robert Abela does not have the strength to turn down...

Netanyahu’s vision endangers Israel more than it protects it

The aftermath of a ceasefire should see a broad political dialogue taking place...

The aftermath of a ceasefire should see a broad political...

It’s also about peace of mind

Malta's primary inflation drivers have been services and food. If energy and fuel are taken out of the equation, inflation in Malta would be higher than...

Malta's primary inflation drivers have been services...

Alienating middle of the road voters

Irrespective of his denial, the Prime Minister is lowering the bar to placate pockets of anger among the party’s grassroots

Irrespective of his denial, the Prime Minister is lowering...

Allowing the pigs back at the trough

Unfortunately, Abela’s zeal to make a clean break with the toxic legacy of Muscat’s administration has now been compromised. It appears he will no...

Unfortunately, Abela’s zeal to make a clean break...

After shaking the team, a mentality change

Robert Abela wanted to pre-empt events to try and determine the outcome of the...

Robert Abela wanted to pre-empt events to try and determine...

Making vocational education a worthy career choice

What is needed is a re-think at secondary school level with the creation of a...

What is needed is a re-think at secondary school level with...

Let the people elect the president

There is no reason why Malta cannot go down the same route as Ireland, Austria and other countries in creating a system that empowers voters to choose the head...

There is no reason why Malta cannot go down the same route...

Looking back with pride

There may be little to toast about as 2023 comes to an end but today’s edition gives us the opportunity to revisit some of the salient issues and events...

There may be little to toast about as 2023 comes to an end...

At last, a stream of light for LGBTIQ Catholics

Pope Francis has gently pushed the door to allow some light into the darkness

Pope Francis has gently pushed the door to allow some light...

Let’s make it a fair and just transition

Transitioning away from fossil fuels will require an equally important...

Transitioning away from fossil fuels will require an...

The days of “je suis le roi,  je suis la loi” are over

Can Dalli be trusted in such a delicate role, given his draconian methods in...

Can Dalli be trusted in such a delicate role, given his...