A question of arrogance
If anything, it is the people who are increasingly showing a lack of trust in politicians and while this is underpinned by a myriad of reasons, arrogance by ministers is...
‘What will you do?’
Having a UN resolution to back up arguments in favour of humanitarian pauses or a ceasefire is always better than having nothing. At the very least it provides a reference point...
The great white hope

If the Labour leader wishes to dispel the last remaining doubts about his party’s identity and its intentions, he will have to produce a good deal more than...

If the Labour leader wishes to dispel the last remaining...

Manifestly absurd

One may well ask why Labour does not lift the lid by clarifying its ‘roadmap’ – Muscat’s choice of word, incidentally – ahead of an election in which...

One may well ask why Labour does not lift the lid by...

The other side of history

Which side is really the right side of history with regard to Libya? That is a question only time can really answer.

Which side is really the right side of history with regard...

Forward to the past

While both parties seem hell-bent on dragging us backwards towards the past, both insist that their intention is to pave the way to a better future.

While both parties seem hell-bent on dragging us backwards...

Economies of spin

Our appeal: government must assure us it will retain a firm grip on the tiller of the economy. As for the opposition, it ought to at least concede that...

Our appeal: government must assure us it will retain a firm...

After the flood… the irony

How is it possible that no serious thought is ever given to availing ourselves of a natural bonanza of water delivered directly to our door?

How is it possible that no serious thought is ever given to...

Falling between two stools

If the Nationalist government has no stomach to regulate such matters in a way equitable to all parties concerned then perhaps it were better if it did not...

If the Nationalist government has no stomach to regulate...

The death of social responsibility

According to the various ‘obituaries’ that would follow, Mintoff was either a superhuman idol who could absolutely no wrong whatsoever… or else a monster...

According to the various ‘obituaries’ that would...

The Mintoff metamorphosis

“The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.”

“The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft...

Malta after Mintoff

The national outpour of grief following Dom Mintoff’s death on Monday was both predictable and understandable.

The national outpour of grief following Dom Mintoff’s...

Supermarket politics

The bonus to the Police Corps is not an isolated example of targeted vote-buying initiatives but the latest in a long and depressing history of such measures.

The bonus to the Police Corps is not an isolated example of...

This is a test

This is a test This is a test This is a test

This is a test This is a test This is a test

Bailing out inconsistencies

We question the validity of a judicial system which views simple possession of cannabis a more serious offence than either double murder, attempted robbery,...

We question the validity of a judicial system which views...

Battle of the billboards

Both PN and Labour campaigns seem to mirror each other in some respect.

Both PN and Labour campaigns seem to mirror each other in...

Prisoners of conscience

How much more public funds are we willing to spend, and how much more procrastination are we willing to endure, to ensure that the conscience of some of our...

How much more public funds are we willing to spend, and how...

The police’s duty to inform

Why was there no press conference at any stage of the Rahman investigation to keep the media informed… as tends to happen in all serious countries?

Why was there no press conference at any stage of the...

Nothing is sacred anymore

JPO was presented to the general electorate by the PN as a sacrificial lamb: resulting in an overwhelming sympathy vote which quite possibly led to the PN...

JPO was presented to the general electorate by the PN as a...

Desperate bedfellows

Viewed only through a narrow prism, the cohabitation move is admittedly little short of a political masterstroke.

Viewed only through a narrow prism, the cohabitation move...