Appreciation: Dame Frances Grima
Dame Frances Grima was blessed with a long life which she dedicated primarily to improve the life conditions of her compatriots

She possessed the strongest of wills and never gave up. But the end also came for Frances Grima at the age of 120.
She married Carmelo, general secretary of the Sectional Committee of the Labour Party in Zejtun, at a young age and stood by his side through thick and thin, raising a family of four. She showed her mettle during the religious political confrontation of the early thirties. Members of the local club were refused absolution on going to confession. They resigned in droves and did not even dare to step inside their club.
Dame Frances came up with a solution. Her family home opened up as an office where her husband Carmelo could listen to the many grievances of the Zejtun community in those days in need of much assistance. Dame Frances became the standard bearer of the female community in whom she instilled the basic sights of social justice.
In the meantime the local club had been denuded of its members and in September 1933 registered as a band club with Dr Paul Boffa as its honorary president, with Dame Frances as its adopted maternal patron, a role she cherished and happily acknowledged. Her social, educational and cultural beliefs were grounded in the political message of Sir Paul Boffa, whom she considered her intellectual tutor till the end.
In the fifties Dame Frances started courses for females in Zejtun in First Aid and basic health hygiene, since she was a registered qualified member of the St John’s Ambulance Brigade. Her work in favour of those most in need never ended. In 1994 Frances was created Dame of St John’s Ambulance Brigade and awarded Gieh Iz-Zejtun in 1998.
She was blessed with a long life which she dedicated primarily to improve the life conditions of her compatriots. Her right to rest in peace has been earned 10 times over.
Joe Agius, Banda Zejtun Secretary
Memories of Royal Engineers Malta
I am currently collecting photographs of members of the Royal Engineers Malta unit that was disbanded in 1970. I have already managed to collect some 150 photographs.
I intend to organise an exhibition with these photos so that both young and old will have the opportunity to see what our unit was all about. I was a Corporal in the unit.
I am therefore appealing to former members of this unit, as well as relatives of those who are no longer alive, to pass on to me any photographs that they might have, showing members of this unit during work or relaxation. Naturally, I will return the photographs after making a copy of them.
I intend to organise the exhibition in October and am trying to hold it in St George’s, where our unit was stationed.
All those who can help may contact me on 99807287 or send me an email on [email protected].
One may also visit the Facebook page Royal Engineers Malta.
Joseph Farrugia, Sliema
Right of reply
The Nationalist Party’s electoral commision refers to MaltaToday’s report on page 3 (30 July, 2017) on Adrian Delia’s membership dues and the excerpt of the PN membership list.
The Commission understands that what was published in MaltaToday was part of a list that had been released before the opening of the nominations for leadership candidates, which also included a large number of members who were still on the list but whose membership details had not yet been updated. This was due to other priorities and commitments that members of the sectional committees and the PN membership office had due to the 3 June general election.
The Electoral Commission would like to point out that when Dr Adrian Delia presented his nomination, he fully satisfied all the criteria laid down by the PN’s statute and the electoral rules, and his nomination was accepted according to these very same criteria.
Matthew Bonnett, Nationalist Party