FKNK: no finch trapping this autumn

Disappointed trappers told no open finch-trapping season this autumn, government ‘preparing for next year’s’.

Trappers who were hoping to go trapping for finches this autumn were informed, by hunting federation FKNK, that the autumn season for finch-trapping would not be opened this year.

Posting on - the hunters and trappers' online forum - the FKNK confirmed trappers' suspicions that no finch-trapping will take place between mid-October and end November this year.

The federation said it met Environment Minister Leo Brincat and parliamentary secretary for animal rights Roderick Galdes on Tuesday during which it was informed of government's decision.

"They argued the government didn't have enough time to correctly apply this year's derogation and preferred working on next year's, rather than doing it hastily now risking total ban from the EU," the FKNK said.

The federation reassured its members that it had long submitted its proposals to both government and opposition for the correct application of the derogation which would allow Malta to open the autumn season.

Last year, Malta applied a derogation of EU law to allow the trapping of song thrush and golden plover, a decision contested by the European Commission.

Emmanuel Mallia
No more bullfighting in Spain ?
Imagine being at Buskett with my wife and child years ago and meeting a hunter armed to the teeth. Some may argue that Buskett was always a hunting area , but I tend to disagree. Buskett has been out of bounds to hunting for quite some time. I remember Kennedy Grove which is also a recreation area but I remember a Suday afternnon when two mute swans were shot dead.
il hsara li saret mil gvernijiet precidenti tal PN fir rigward tal kacca u nsib trid iz zmien biex tigi rrangata, imam naslu ghax ahna ewropej daqs l ohrajn. Ta l anqas qed jisimawna issa.
FKNK: no finch trapping this autumn---- Does ANYBODY actually think that this will stop trapping in Autumn? No, I didn't think so too.