Dirt race-track dropped from Cottonera regional park
Government nips controversy in the bud as objections mount to Ghajn Dwieli race track
The government has nipped controversy in the bud by abandoning plans for the development of a dirt race-track in Ghajn Dwieli, in the vicinity of a car park and a few metres away from residences.
The dirt track was included in a masterplan for a new regional park proposed alongside fortifications in Zabbar, Fgura and Cottonera.
The sizeable track was proposed next to the dockyard’s car park at Ghajn Dwieli.
But over the past days residents submitted various objections to the Planning Authority.
Some residents also contacted MaltaToday expressing concern on noise pollution resulting from the proposed track and expressed disappointment that a largely positive project was marred by this proposal.
But a few hours after MaltaToday sent questions requesting clarifications on the project, a press release was issued announcing that plans for the government had no intention to develop the track.
The park promises to include walking and jogging tracks, a dirt car track, a zip line, a dog park, a beach volley area, an outdoor gym, adventure areas, a skate park and extensive picnic areas.
The entire project will span along the St Aloysius and St James bastions, and the Polverista and Zabbar gates. The site was identified as one of a number of “public urban open spaces” in the South Malta Local Plan.
These sites can be “upgraded” for public recreational facilities in the form of children play areas or landscaped seating areas for use by the general public. The open nature of these sites has to be retained and only low key environmental improvements can be allowed.