Hunters sound warning of legal action against BirdLife over licences saga
Hunters fedation CEO Lino Farrugia rails against BirdLife complaints over hunting licences

The Maltese hunting lobby (FKNK) has presented a judicial protest against BirdLife Malta’s officials Darryl Grima and Mark Sultana.
In a tit-for-tat action after BirdLife filed both criminal and court complaints over the illegality of hunting licences issued by the Gozo ministry, the FKNK’s prresident Joe Perici Calascione announced the protest, to call on BirdLife to desist in its actions.
The protest insists that the licences issued for the spring hunting season that closed 30 April, were indeed valid. BirdLife maintains Maltese rules empowers only the environment ministry, and not Clint Camilleri’s Gozo ministry, to issue the licences.
Farrugia said he does not exclude taking further legal steps against the NGO.
“We know that BirdLife will file more reports against the Maltese government to the European Commission… if they don’t get their way they just do their best to bring about disrepute on Malta and Gozo, and throw their much on Maltese hunters,” Joe Perici Calascione said.