27. Italian Cypress

No need to be a botanist to tell a cypress. Though it comes in several forms, the tall conical shape always gives this tree a distinct character. Its deep dark foliage generates that austere aura, an aura no doubt reinforced by the fact that it is the tree most often planted in cemeteries. Cypresses are coniferous, meaning they produce cones rather than flowers - the familiar cones of the cypress take the form of small footballs. The Italian Cypress (M: Cipress) is common across southern Europe and native to the eastern region. Whether it originally grew wild in Malta or whether it was imported in antiquity is uncertain. What is certain is that the Italian Cypress is one beautiful evergreen tree that gives some welcome shade - and a sweet whiff of resin - in this sun-baked rock.

Text by Victor Falzon, photo Alex Cas. Copyright to Birdlife Malta.