Juvenile Honey Buzzard roosts in Malta
The bird flew overnight across the Ionian sea, reaching Malta on the 9 October

A juvenile Honey Buzzard flew over Malta and has roosted at Girgenti in Siggiewi since midday on Sunday.
According to BirdLife Malta, the Finnish-hatched male raptor was fitted with a tracking device on 20 August.
“As can be seen from its GPS movements, this bird has done a lot of night-time migration and this clearly shows how young Honey Buzzards are also good flyers over open sea,” BirdLife Malta said in statement, adding that the bird had left the Otranto region of the Italian peninsula on 8 October in the morning, where it crossed over the Ionian sea, flying overnight and reaching Malta on the 9 October.
BirdLife Malta said the bird had stayed around the Buskett and Dingli area on the first day and roosted in Buskett on the second day.
“It is hoped that later on today, it will continue its migration,” BirdLife said.