Hunters 'shooting protected birds under the cover of rabbit season' say BirdLife
BirdLife Malta uploads pictures of wounded Black Kite, rescued from the sea near Xrobb l-Għaġin to Facebook. Claims hunters shooting at birds despite the hunting season being restricted to rabbits

BirdLife Malta has reported the shooting of two protected species of birds of prey this week.
The nature conservation group posted photos on Facebook showing a juvenile (and very wet) Black Kite (Astun Iswed) that was found yesterday in the area of Xrobb l-Għaġin limits of Marsaskala. The bird had been washed ashore after falling into the sea in the area and was found by a bather. Sightings of a Black Kite had been reported over Birżebbuġa on the 2nd August. The young bird is thought to have been attempting to use Malta to rest and feed before continuing on its journey south to Africa.
An X-ray revealed shotgun pellets embedded in the bird's broken wing as the reason it fell into the sea.
Hunting this species is a criminal offence, with offenders facing a fine of up to €5,000. Despite the hunting season currently being restricted to rabbits, Birdlife says hunters are using it as a cover to target other species, adding that other species commonly hunted illegally during this period include waders.
The Black Kite escaped with injuries that it can recover from and will undergo rehabilitation at BirdLife Malta. It is the second protected bird of prey that was received by BirdLife Malta after being shot, with a HoneyBuzzard (Kuċċarda) being recovered on Monday from Birguma limits of Naxxar with no less than ten pellets lodged in its body.