Illegalities during spring hunting season will not be tolerated, FKNK warns
The Federation for Hunting and Conservation warned hunters that any illegalities during spring hunting season, which commences this Sunday, could harm future hunting season

Any hunting illegalities during the upcoming Spring hunting season will not be tolerated, the Federation for Hunting and Conservation has warned.
In a statement, FKNK said, they will not tolerate any illegalities which could lead to any drastic consequences or cause harm to future hunting seasons.
The organisation wished all hunters a good and safe hunting during the open season which commences on April 1.
During the season, FKNK said hunting will only be legally permissible for the Quail, and in accordance with established quotas, special licence, fixed timings and compliance with the respective laws and regulations of the derogation that is being applied.
FKNK said that any unlawful act, included capturing/shooting or attempt to capture/shoot any other species, including the Turtle Dove, can be subject to hefty fines and penalties that amount to tens of thousands of Euros, imprisonment and loss of licence for good, among other penalties that may be imposed by the Law Courts.
“No-one should be the cause of ruin and waste of the entire work and big money investment that the FKNK and the Government are undertaking, so as to ensure that, as soon as possible, the Maltese traditional spring hunt can again be legally possible not just for the Quail but also for Malta's chief game-bird, the Turtle Dove,” the statement said.