Trees face chop for Naxxar-Mosta roundabout showroom
The last of a patch of trees on the site of the Naxxar-Mosta roundabout could get the chop from a four-storey development for a car showroom

The last of a patch of trees on the site of the Naxxar-Mosta roundabout could get the chop from a four-storey development for a car showroom.
The 350 square metre site lies at the corner of Labour avenue on the busy roundabout connecting Mosta to Lija, where car importer Keith Grima wants to develop two basement levels, three full floors and a receded floor.
The site presently consists of an old garden full of trees.
Two previous attempts in 2000 and 2007 to develop the site for retail development had been rejected by the Planning Authority. The first, by Tarcisio Galea, envisaged the construction of a showroom at ground floor and offices at first floor, with open garage space at semi-basement level. The second, by Carmelo Mallia, envisaged the construction of a retail shop.
Although technically outside development boundaries, the present site forms part of an ‘area of containment’ designated in the 2006 local plans where developments like showrooms can be allowed. Nevertheless, the development of the site with a four-storey building instead of the current garden is expected have a considerable visual impact on the entrance towards Naxxar.