Transport Malta wants extended concrete decking at Ghar Lapsi
The Environment and Resources Authority is objecting to a proposal by Transport Malta to fill an existing cavity on the Ghar Lapsi coastline with concrete, on the same area previously identified for a restaurant platform

The Environment and Resources Authority is objecting to a proposal by Transport Malta to fill an existing cavity on the Ghar Lapsi coastline with concrete, on the same area previously identified for a restaurant platform.
The ‘concrete decking’ and repairs of a damaged masonry structure are being proposed “to protect the side of the slipway from further sea erosion”.
The cavity is described as an “awkward void space exposing substructure of adjacent slipway to further sea erosion”. The works would impact on 35sq.m of coastline.
While the ministry also wants an extension of an existing concrete deck, the ERA says the concrete platform is already subject to a 1996 planning enforcement since no permission was ever sought to construct it.
The ERA warned that the proposed breaching of a containment wall and the encroachment onto the boulder scree to accommodate the concrete deck was “unjustifiable, unnecessary and would alter the natural coast.” But ERA had no objection to the repair of a masonry structure found in the same cavity.
The ministry originally tried to seek approval for the proposal through a fast-tracked “dangerous structure” application, normally used to authorize works when a building is in imminent danger of collapse. But the application was turned down.
Back in 2016 the PA turned down an application by the Carmen’s Bar restaurant to set up a removable timber and steel platform on the same cavity now earmarked for the ministry’s works.
Last year the PA issued another enforcement order against the change-of-use of part of the slipway to accommodate the placing of tables and chairs by the same restaurant.
But in December the restaurant owners presented another application to regularise the placing of chairs and tables on part of the slipway and to install a demountable canopy.