Cassola questions legality of Bahrija ‘no trespassing’ signage in judicial protest
Independent political candidate Arnold Cassola says Transport Malta must verify whether Bahrija signage is indeed legal

The independent political candidate Arnold Cassola has filed a judicial protest against Transport Malta, over illegal signage purporting to bar access to the Bahrija countryside at Fomm ir-Riħ.
The signs claim the surrounding fields around the Fomm ir-Riħ roads are private and that therefore they cannot be accessed by the public.
Prof. Cassola made reference to signage affixed at the edge of the main roads lining the garigue and fields in Bahrija, which he said were abusive and illegal. “The signage wards off people from enjoying the countryside by alerting them that it is purportedly private property... it appears this signage was affixed in breach of the 2004 legal notices regulating them.”
Cassola said TM was the sole authority for such signage on roads, and it was its duty to remove any such signage without proper permits in place.
“I am asking TM to carry out the necessary verifications on this signage and to remove it if it so results that there is no permit for the signs.”
Read more Fomm ir-Riħ owner Sandro Chetcuti: dangerous footpath must be safe for public access