Dingli protests: IM boss proposes compromise for smaller road
Infrastructure Malta CEO Frederick Azzopardi says there is a compromise for a small road connecting the MUSUEM and Sienja alleys

Infrastructure Malta boss Frederick Azzopardi has written to residents of two Dingli alleyways, where residents and Graffitti activists have stopped roadworks to connect the alleyways by building into agricultural fields.
IM is proposing a compromise by saying it will accept even requests made by residents, which include some 192 citizens who are backing Graffitti’s actions against the road-building.
Azzopardi said IM will not uproot carob trees to the build the new road, but will limit the road to 8m, erect traditional rubble walls instead of limestone walls in San Gwann Bosco Street, and to ‘confirm’ that land next to the new schemed road would not be earmarked for development,
“We appreciate that whilst they would have preferred not to have the 2006 schemed road built in their area, families living in San Gwann Bosco are understanding that residents in other streets, including Dahla tas-Sienja Street and Il-MUSUEM Alley, have long been calling on the authorities to form this new connection, as confirmed by the Dingli Local Council’s decision earlier this week,” Azzopardi said.
But Azzopardi could be referring to a few households in which 15 residents filed a judicial protest against the Graffitti protests this week.
“Whilst we are compelled to remove the long-standing access difficulties faced by residents of these two streets, we are also determined to make sure that the construction of this new road will be turned into an opportunity for a better environment for residents in San Gwann Bosco Street as well,” Azzopardi said.
The IM CEO also claimed residents in Il-MUSEUM Alley “have long been calling for the formation of this schemed street” to improve connectivity. However the two alleways were never wanting a connection since the land itself is an agricultural field.
IM says the road would create a safer access to residences in one of the streets where the only entrance is a narrow lane, and therefore does not permit firefighting and other emergency vehicles to reach their homes.
IM said the Planning Authority has confirmed that no development permits or notifications are required for the construction of schemed roads defined in the 2006 Local Plan, while the Environment and Resources Authority has issued a nature permit for the uprooting of the three trees to make way for the new road. The roadworks have also been unanimously approved by the Dingli local council. The Superintendence for Cultural Heritage has also confirmed the works will not affect the remains of the Santa Duminka medieval chapel.
IM said it had reached expropriation agreements with owners of the land where the roadworks are taking place. “The allegation that Infrastructure Malta carried out works in private property without owners’ permission is in fact a lie,” Azzopardi said. “These owners will be duly compensated in line with the valuations that have already been determined by the Lands Authority and communicated to them, as per applicable procedures.”
Last week the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal turned down an appeal against the ERA permit for the uprooting of three trees in the site of the schemed street.