Għaxaq’s Dar tal-Bebbux gets Planning Authority protection
A uniquely designed house dating back to the 19th century in Għaxaq and which was decorated by its former owner Indri Dimech with hundreds of seashells has been scheduled by the Planning Authority

The Planning Authority has scheduled a house in Għaxaq known locally as Dar tal-Bebbux.
The house, dating back to the 19th century, belonged to Indri Dimech, who started to decorate its façade in 1898 with hundreds of snails and seashells which he sourced from Maltese and foreign beaches.
The property includes three niches, the one on the side elevation relates to the crucifixion, whilst the other two, located on the main façade hold the statues of St Joseph and St Andrew.
It is unclear where Dimech got his idea from, but some suggest that he adopted similar practices when living abroad.
The property has been scheduled as a Grade 2 building, which affords the property substantial protection, although alterations may be allowed.
The PA also scheduled a 17th century structure in Mqabba dating back to the time of the knights.
The structure was listed in the Order of St John’s archives as part of the scheduled Old Hospital, which formed part of the Nicola Cottoner Foundation.
Evidence of this can be found in a 1732 map of the estate in ‘Tal-Barumbara’ whereabouts, found in the Cabreo Cottoner.
The building was afforded Grade 1 protection, which is the highest level of protection afforded by the PA.