Plans for Zabbar roadworks kept under wraps
A simple request for plans for ODZ roadworks in Żabbar expose lack of transparency as neither Infrastructure Malta nor Planning Authority oblige

Schemed roadworks on farmland, like the one linking the Bieb is-Sultan and Alessio Erardi streets in Ħaż-Żababr do not require a planning permit.
But any deviations from what was originally schemed in local plans do not enjoy this exemption. So one expects that the Planning Authority would have access to the plans showing the alignments of these roads before exempting Infrastructure Malta from obtaining the necessary PA permit.
When MaltaToday was alerted by residents that works might be deviating from the alignments shown on the PA’s public website, this newspaper first asked Infrastructure Malta for these plans. The answer from IM was that the “actual schemed alignments for new roads, and their respective plans, can be obtained from the Planning Authority.”
The IM spokesperson even highlighted the fact that the PA’s online geoserver states that “the indicative scheme alignment [shown on this online tool] is not the official scheme alignment and the user is kindly asked to contact the Planning Authority directly so as to be given an official alignment for the site in question.”
So MaltaToday duly asked the Planning Authority to provide it with the plans.
But in its answer, the PA invited MaltaToday to note “that Infrastructure Malta is not required to provide the Planning Authority with any plans for roadworks which do not require permission in line with the legal notice exempted schemed roadworks from permits.”
Yet the PA spokesperson acknowledged that some changes might have been changed to the schemed plans, saying the Authority had been alerted “that part of the building along this stretch of road built in the 90s is partly constructed beyond the official building alignment, which in turn will affect the alignment of the road.”
He added that the PA was considering the situation and will take the “necessary action to remedy the situation”.
On its part Infrastructure, Malta denied that the agency had changed plans to accommodate parking spaces along the new road, as some residents have reported being told.
Faced with a brick wall, MaltaToday has now filed a freedom of information request to both Infrastructure Malta and the Planning Authority requesting copies of the plans.
It was MaltaToday, which a month ago reported that works are protruding into fields outside the development zones in Ħaż-Żabbar, in an ongoing project Infrastructure Malta claims will divert traffic from the town centre.
The works are resulting in the take-up of agricultural land along Triq Alessio Erardi and Triq Bieb is-Sultan, with residents complaining about the complete lack of consultation.
The roadworks along a 500m stretch of roads, starting from Triq il-Bahrija through Triq Alessio Erardi and Triq Bieb is-Sultan in the direction of the Notre Dame Gate, protrude on the most scenic parts of the locality.
IM has confirmed with MaltaToday that it is still discussing compensation with field owners, despite the commencement of the works. It is also insisting that no permit is required because the road was already schemed in the local plans. “In line with applicable legislation, no planning permits are required for roads already schemed in the Local Plan.”
IM says that while the roadworks protrude outside the development zone, it necessitates the take-up of strips of land next to the existing streets, which had been earmarked for the construction of the same streets for decades. No other widening will take place, IM told MaltaToday.
IM also claims the soil excavated during these works will be used to improve conditions of adjacent fields, in agreement with the farmers who till them, “or else reserved for Infrastructure Malta’s upcoming afforestation projects”.
IM’s justification is that while providing increased connectivity to residents, the road-widening project will alleviate circulation difficulties in the centre of Żabbar, providing an alternative route to Sta Duminka Street, a very narrow street that serves as one of the few exits from this locality. According to IM parts of Triq Bieb is-Sultan Street, and Triq Alessio Erardi Street do not even have footpaths.
According to IM, the works along Alessio Erardi street are part of a wider project in the locality which will include new underground networks, new street lightings, new footpaths, stronger carriageway foundations and new asphalt surfaces.