Naxxar 10-storey towers: two in three residents opposed project
…but PA’s case officer still recommends approval and fails to refer to results of survey in his report
A social impact assessment has confirmed widespread opposition in Naxxar to the erection of two towers, one of 10 storeys and another of eight, on the site of the former trade fair’s car park.
63% of Naxxar residents participating in an online survey included in a social impact assessment on the Naxxar towers, said they did not like having a medium-rise in their locality, compared to just 25% who liked this component of this project.
65% also disapproved or somewhat disapproved of “the overall concept of having a multi-use medium-rise building” in their locality.
But these results were not even reproduced in the Planning Authority’s case officer report, which recommended approval of the project, and instead only referred to the social impact assessment as one which outlines “both positive and negative aspects and impacts on the Naxxar community.”
It also referred to the positive reaction to the changes made over a previous application, blithely noting that respondents welcomed the removal of a supermarket and offices, and “the changes in the aesthetics of the elevations”.
The two-tower project of 136 apartments, is now slated for approval by the PA’s case officer. The Planning Board will discuss the project on 9 December.
Respondents in the survey were also asked they prefer the current proposal “to a different four floors and a receded level (4+1) development covering the entire site.”
The question was in line with the argument made by the project’s developer that he is already entitled by a 2018 zoning application to cover the entire site with five-storey blocks and a high-rise development. But the survey indicates that most residents disagree with both proposals.
While 32% preferred the current design of the project to covering the entire site with low-rise blocks, 16% preferred a five-storey development while “a high majority of 49% stated that they prefer none of the projects”.
The survey also shows that 53% disapprove of the increase in commercial entities, compared to 30% who approved this aspect of the project. 59% disapproved or somewhat disapproved.
But 72% welcomed the proposed open public space and 58% approved the creation of childcare centre. 58% also approved the proposed parking facilities included in the development.
Still, 54% expressed concern with the impact of the project on property prices as a result of the proposed high-end apartments.
The authors of the survey considered the chosen sample size of 160 respondents as one which “provides a sufficient profile of the general views of mainly the residents in Naxxar” despite the somewhat large sample of error of ±8.24%.
Case officer approval
The development is still being recommended for approval despite clear objections by the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage and the Naxxar local council.
The case officer rebuts the SCH’s concern on the visual impact of the project by concluding that “notwithstanding the fact that this innovative design would contribute to a change in this area in terms of skyline and building morphology, this is being considered as an effective step towards the introduction of a modern building within the exiting urban context, providing a bold contrast between the old and new architectural element”.
The main reason given for approval is that it fulfils the criteria of the FAR (Floor Area Ratio) policy and that “the innovative design of the proposed scheme will contribute to a new lively and liveable neighbourhood.”
But the report does not even refer to the part of the FAR policy, which states that “tall buildings” should be restricted to a 25m contour above sea level. Although technically not a tall building, as it is less than 11 floors, approving a 10 and an 8-storey tower in a locality which is 126m above sea level, suggests that a more prudent is required in high lying areas.
Despite the recommendation for approval by the Development Directorate, the PA planning board may still refuse to approve the project as it has recently done with a proposed hotel in Dingli cliffs, which was also recommended, for approval.
The planning board had already refused to approve the project in 2020 despite a recommendation by the case officer to approve. And while some improvements have been made in the design, the changes did not address the major concern expressed by the PA board with regards to the suitability of approving such a high building in Naxxar.