Ramblers and Baħrija landowner identify alternative Fomm ir-Riħ access pathway
Ramblers Association awaiting government decision on amicable solution with Baħrija landowner Sandro Chetcuti to create public access to foreshore

Fomm ir-Riħ landowner Sandro Chetcuti, formerly the president of the Malta Developers Association, has consented to uphold public access to the foreshore after blocking a route formerly used by ramblers.
In discussions held with the Ramblers Association, Chetcuti consented to modify a 1983 agreement with a former landower, so as to create a new footpath which passes through his property and to the foreshore.
The 1983 deed with then landowner Fredrick Maynard had established a perpetual right of public passage to the foreshore. But the original footpath leading to the foreshore was never properly implemented, and its foreseen location collapsed due to the erosion of the clay slopes.

The alternative path will lead to the smaller pebble beach and mid-way forks out to allow access to the larger Fomm ir-Riħ bay, from where one can then continue walking along the foreshore in the direction of Ġnejna.
The solution was presented to the Environment and Resources Authority., the Lands Authority and their respective ministries, in a meeting at the Office of the Prime Minister.
The Ramblers’ Association explained that the only interventions required on site are the installation of directional signs and fencing adequate to the site, in order to help visitors to easily identify the pathway leading to the foreshore and discourage trespassing. Both interventions would be fully reversible and in full respect of a Natura 2000 site as directed by ERA.
From its end the Association said it supports Chetcuti’s right to enjoy his private property without unwarranted trespassing.
“The solution was reached in an amicable way between the Ramblers’ Association and the landowner.
“It goes on to prove how through proper dialogue, win-win solutions to problems of countryside management are possible, even on a small island like ours with one of the highest population densities in the world – where land is a highly contested space and issues of right of access often lead to unpleasant altercations between well-intentioned members of the public and landowners,” Ramblers president Ingram Bondin said.
“As an NGO, the Ramblers’ Association has done its utmost, with both the landowner and Government, to find a solution which guarantees public access to the foreshore at Fomm ir-Riħ. The Association now ecourages both parties to finalise this matter as soon as possible.
“This will finally give peace of mind to the public, who will be able to enjoy the picturesque foreshore at Fomm ir-Rih without further risk of confrontation, while granting the desired privacy to the landowner.”