PA resumes direct action on illegal Xewkija scrapyard
Truckloads of illegal scrap material which includes derelict cars, trucks, tyres, white goods, and electronic equipment removed by Planning Authority in direct action

The Planning Authority resumed direct action on a large illegal scrapyard located at a Xewkija Outside Development Zone.
This follows the direct action which had commenced in November last year, but which had been stopped through Court proceedings of a warrant of prohibitory injunction instituted by the contravener against the PA.
Up until last year’s action, the PA had already removed truckloads of scrap material which included derelict cars, trucks, tyres, white goods, and electronic equipment.

After withdrawing the warrant of prohibitory injunction, the contravener committed to the removal of the remaining scrap and the full reinstatement of the affected land.
However, even though the contravener had initially started honouring this commitment, the remedial progress dwindled along the months and as a result, this morning the PA moved in again to clear the remaining material and return the land to its original state.

Truckloads of material are being carted away to licenced waste management facilities.
Given the extent of the site, which measures an area of over 15,000m2, the operation is expected to continue over the coming days.
The direct action is being carried out by the PA at the full expense of the contravener.