Sliema’s Brittania Flats get green light for six-storey addition
The Planning Authority has approved a permit for a proposed six-floor extension to the iconic Brittania Flats in Sliema, a residential block of four storeys fronting Tower Road, Amery Street and the narrow Trejqet Luzju

The Planning Authority has approved a permit for a proposed six-floor extension to the iconic Brittania Flats in Sliema, a residential block of four storeys fronting Tower Road, Amery Street and the narrow Trejqet Luzju.
The approval comes with a condition excluding any projections of balconies beyond the building line on the narrow Trejqet Luzju, whose residents had raised privacy issues.
The permit is an ‘outline’ one, which means the PA has approved the development in principle with the developers having yet to present detailed plans in a full development application to be approved at a later stage.
The reserved matters which still require approval by the PA include the internal layout and the design and external appearance of the proposed building.
The building was built in the early 20th century and is one of the few standalone buildings left untouched by the development frenzy that led to the destruction of most townhouses overlooking the Sliema front. The existing façade will be retained but the building will rise to the height of other buildings fronting Tower Road.
The application had been sent back to the drawing board by the PA’s planning commission last year it gave applicants Fafner Investments six more months to revise their plans. Board chairman Stephania Baldacchino expressed reservations on the proposed design, noting that it could better complement the existing façade, by replicating traditional features.
The extension will enable the applicant to construct 10 apartments over the existing building on Tower Road. The apartments will be spread on an additional five storeys and a penthouse level.
The case officer had recommended refusal of the outline application for health and sanitary reasons, due to the height of the building when compared to the narrow alley.
Residents objecting to the development had raised privacy issues regarding the proposed apertures overlooking Trejqet Luzju as these do not respect the distance required by sanitary regulations. This was also one of the reasons cited by the case officer for refusal.