Ħal Far industrial site to be rezoned as Natura 2000 buffer for low-impact sports

PA wants to “keep harmful industrial development as distant as possible from the area of high environmental value”

The area set to be rezoned from industrial use to a buffer for an adjacent Natura 2000 area
The area set to be rezoned from industrial use to a buffer for an adjacent Natura 2000 area

A large parcel of land designated for industrial development in Hal Far may potentially be rezoned to become a buffer zone, the Planning Authority said, as a way of safeguard the adjacent Natura 2000 area.

The PA is proposing that a small area of land will be designated for low-impact sports, land that had been already indicated for the siting of a model airplane airstrip, on whicn NGOs had expressed concern that this was not a low intensity activity in such a sensitive area.

The review states that provisions are included to clarify that aero modelling sports is considered a low impact sport, limiting such uses to not more than 65% of this area, adjacent to the existing committed industrial facilities away from the cliffs and Wied Żnuber.

Individuals and organizations can send representations on this policy review through email at [email protected] by not later than 24 July.

The Planning Authority issued a draft policy review for the site, saying it wanted to “keep harmful industrial development as distant as possible from the area of high environmental value.”

The site lies adjacent to the western coastal cliffs of the Maltese Islands near Wied Znuber. These cliffs, including Wied Znuber, are part of a larger Natura 2000 site, which area is protected for its ecological Importance and high landscape value.

Through the partial review of the South Malta Local Plan, the Authority is proposing that the area of the site which lies adjacent to the Natura 2000 site, and which overlaps the scheduled archaeological buffer zone, will be rezoned from industrial to an ‘Area to be Conserved and Restored’ while the remaining portion of the site adjacent to the existing committed industrial facilities, away from the coastal cliffs, is being rezoned from industrial to an ‘Area for Low Impact Sports with Green Open Space’.