NGOs slam government plans to allow model airstrip in Wied Żnuber

Nine organisations have strongly condemned plans to amend the Ħal Far Local Plan so as to allow the construction of an airstrip for model aeroplanes in Wied Żnuber

Wied Żnuber lies in the outskirts of Birżebbuġa (Photo: Moviment Graffitti)
Wied Żnuber lies in the outskirts of Birżebbuġa (Photo: Moviment Graffitti)

Nine organisations have strongly condemned plans to amend the Ħal Far Local Plan so as to allow the construction of an airstrip for model aeroplanes in Wied Żnuber.

Moviment Graffitti said the proposed changes stemmed from what it said was a secret agreement made in February 2022 between three government agencies and the Ħal Far Model Flying Association, allocating public land for an airstrip for model aeroplanes.

“This agreement was reached without consulting the Local Council, residents, or NGOs, undermining the integrity of the entire planning process,” Graffitti said.

“The Birżebbuġa community and environmental organisations have since been expressing their strong opposition to this socially and environmentally harmful plan.”

The local plan amendments, as outlined in the public consultation, will enable the building of a miniature airstrip in Wied Żnuber occupying 17,000 square metres.

“Such structure will not only gobble up natural land but also introduce constant noise and light pollution, impacting a much larger Natura 2000 site. This poses a threat to the local ecosystem, including a nearby shearwater colony that will face an existential risk if this plan goes through,” Graffitti said.

It added that model aeroplanes flying over a large area will also disrupt the serenity of the Wied Żnuber valley and degrade the quality of life of Birżebbuga residents and visitors.

During the first phase of the consultation, hundreds of objections from individuals and organisations were submitted, highlighting strong opposition to the proposal.

“Despite this, the Planning Authority has disregarded these objections without providing any justification. Furthermore, the supposed protective measures introduced in this phase are wholly insufficient. Instead of extending the ODZ, as initially envisaged, the plan proposes an inadequate ‘Area to be Conserved and Restored’ serving merely as a ‘buffer zone’ to the Natura 2000 site,” the NGOs said.

They said dubbing aero modelling as a low impact sport in the proposed amendments also contradicted the sport’s invasive and polluting nature, “highlighting the illegitimacy of the entire consultation process, which lacks any study on the environmental and community impacts of the proposed airstrip.”

“We strongly believe that governmental decisions should prioritise our environment and quality of life over private agreements. Thus, the organisations urge Government to retract the proposed amendments that would permit the construction of a model airstrip in Wied Żnuber. We call for the entire 39,800 square meters of the area to be designated as ODZ and to be given the robust environmental protection it needs,” they said.

The public can object to these plans by sending an email to [email protected] by the 24 July.

The organisations are BirdLife Malta, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa, Għawdix, Moviment Graffitti, Nature Trust Malta, and Ramblers Association Malta.