48-apartment block approved in Sa Maison
Planning Authority approves demolition of the ex-Sa Maison residential home and a neighbouring old warehouse to make way for an eight-storey development comprising 48 apartments
Staircase, ramp and bathing platform in latest Veċċa plans
Veċċa project aimed at protecting cave and overlying road from collapse 
Free no more: A price tag on groundwater

For the first time ever, the state intends to impose a tariff on ground water abstracted from the water table through boreholes while offering substantial...

For the first time ever, the state intends to impose a...

PA resumes direct action on illegal Xewkija scrapyard

Truckloads of illegal scrap material which includes derelict cars, trucks,...

Truckloads of illegal scrap material which includes...

Graffitti tells PA: ‘Remove illegal parking before considering Wied Babu villas’

Moviment Graffitti demands reinstatement of a 4,900 sq.m illegal parking to its original garigue environment before permit for villas is even considered •...

Moviment Graffitti demands reinstatement of a 4,900 sq.m...

Towering trees along Valley Road to get a shaving

No trees will be uprooted but canopies will be reduced by six metres in...

No trees will be uprooted but canopies will be reduced by...

Planning Authority rules against demolition of staircase in Villa Blackman

The application in question aimed to repurpose the villa into a childcare centre. The application was rejected citing concerns about the adverse impact on...

The application in question aimed to repurpose the villa...

Over 2,000 signatories in protest against Mqabba tarmac plant relocation

Residents from Qrendi, Imqabba, Zurrieq and Siggiewi demand for respect for their quality of life and call on Project Green to intervene

Residents from Qrendi, Imqabba, Zurrieq and Siggiewi demand...

Five-storey development proposed along Mosta’s Wied il-Ghasel

Development height aligned to that of the opposite Casa Arkati • Proposed...

Development height aligned to that of the opposite Casa...

Lands Authority to discuss transfer of its land in Qajjenza after PA decision

The Lands Authority will wait for the Planning Authority’s verdict on a zoning application in Qajjenza before it considers transfering public land to a...

The Lands Authority will wait for the Planning...

Mqabba, Western Regional Councils up in arms on tarmac plant relocation

Mqabba mayor and Western Regional Council president, both of whom are Labour representatives, strongly condemn relocation of tarmac plant from Ħal...

Mqabba mayor and Western Regional Council president,...

‘Eye-candy’ photomontages can fool planners

Photomontages showing how a development will look like to any person standing...

Photomontages showing how a development will look like to...

ODZ shopping mall and hotel proposed next to Marsaskala petrol station

Development which includes a supermarket is being proposed next to petrol station and 155 meters away from another supermarket also being proposed outside the...

Development which includes a supermarket is being proposed...

Portelli bid for 200-unit Msida block has flood evacuation plan

Eight-storey block on Msida warehouse land beneath Regional Road suggests...

Eight-storey block on Msida warehouse land beneath Regional...

Five terraced houses proposed in L-Andrijiet rural hamlet

Five terraced houses are being proposed on a 771sq.m plot of land in the rural...

Five terraced houses are being proposed on a 771sq.m plot...

PA approves 10-storey hotel and 75 more apartments in Townsquare project

Project approved by all seven board members present despite chorus of disapproval of elderly Sliema residents speaking during the meeting

Project approved by all seven board members present despite...

PA postpones decision on Labour councillor’s ODZ permit for three-storey elderly home

Application proposes the demolition of a one-storey abandoned farm building with a footprint of 1,020sq.m and its replacement by a three-storey nursing home...

Application proposes the demolition of a one-storey...

Controversial Taċ-Ċawla social housing unit nearing completion

Works nearing completion on Gozo housing project that attracted criticism...

Works nearing completion on Gozo housing project that...

BirdLife condemns 'butchering' of Mosta square trees, ERA says trees will only be 'transplanted'

BirdLife Malta is urgently appealing to the authorities to halt the ongoing work, citing the trees' importance for roosting birds

BirdLife Malta is urgently appealing to the authorities to...

Final refusal for Attard’s ‘second’ petrol station

The Planning Authority’s appeals tribunal has re-confirmed its 2019...

The Planning Authority’s appeals tribunal has...