Marsaxlokk wants colourful houses as model for future permits
Marsaxlokk council wants colourful restored façade of residential development along Xatt is-Sajjieda to serve as model for permits issued in the locality’s urban...
Corinthia Attard plans two-storey expansion
Hotel group says future development will respect zoning laws and enhance visual appearance
Planning Authority stops illegal works behind Poligas

Action was taken yesterday following a report by MaltaToday

Action was taken yesterday following a report by MaltaToday

ERA wanted power of veto on applications outside development zones

Environment and Resources Authority formally asked for veto powers but 

Environment and Resources Authority formally asked for veto...

Balluta Bay office development: PA approves parking spaces shortfall

Controversial development proposed green travel plan for staff that will have...

Controversial development proposed green travel plan for...

Developer’s Lija folly in olive tree field gets thumbs-down

Anglu Xuereb took field of olive trees and turned it into ‘excessively...

Anglu Xuereb took field of olive trees and turned it into...

Jerma development brief: massive volume will dwarf historic tower and residences

Graffitti: Jerma development brief drafted with the primary intention to accommodate the interests of a few developers and with little concern for the...

Graffitti: Jerma development brief drafted with the...

Maligned rural policy fuelled increase in ODZ swimming pools

663 ODZ swimming pools approved in 10 years: approvals increased after 2014...

663 ODZ swimming pools approved in 10 years: approvals...

Rabat: 33 properties and monuments get high protection status – in pictures

Properties, monuments and visual corridors in Saqqajja and Howard Garden area given high protection status

Properties, monuments and visual corridors in Saqqajja and...

Planning Authority refuses St Julian’s project opposed by residents and mayor

PA strongly objected in principle to this project, saying residential and commerical project wou;d compromise character of St Julian’s village core area

PA strongly objected in principle to this project, saying...

Qormi high-rise ditched, Portelli presents plans for five-storey block

The Mercury House developer Joseph Portelli has officially abandoned plans for an imposing 14-storey tower set on Qormi’s gateway, and has now submitted...

The Mercury House developer Joseph Portelli has officially...

Could European Landscape Convention limit the way Maltese villages are changing?

After 20 years Malta set to ratify European Landscape Convention, obliging signatories to protect their landscapes – a body of law that could put limits...

After 20 years Malta set to ratify European Landscape...

Zebbug Lidl supermarket traffic studies shot down by Transport Malta

Transport Malta says Traffic Impact Assessment claiming 30% reduction in...

Transport Malta says Traffic Impact Assessment claiming 30%...

Blue Lagoon pier that will bring more visitors to Comino, resurrected by Transport Malta

Transport Malta has started environment impact studies for a 136m-long pier at Blue Lagoon

Transport Malta has started environment impact studies for...

‘Experimental’ decking on Xghajra’s rocky shore is dropped amid stern warning

Malta Tourism Authority withdraws ‘experimental’ decking on Xghajra’s rocky shore

Malta Tourism Authority withdraws...

Ain’t it bizarre? ERA says Fgura farmhouse can’t go to Bidnija

The Environment and Resources Authority has shot down plans by the owner of a...

The Environment and Resources Authority has shot down plans...

Rabat promenade approved as Planning Authority ignores ERA

ERA chairman Victor Axiak insists that any planning gain from Rabat promenade...

ERA chairman Victor Axiak insists that any planning gain...

Ending the magic that turns rubble into villas: how new rural policy plugs the loopholes

From banning agricultural stores on small holdings, to stopping the conversion of ruins to villas, the PA’s new rural policy is set to make it harder for...

From banning agricultural stores on small holdings, to...

Mercury House high-rise will have 435 apartments with second tower

A second, 19-storey tower over the former telephone exchange in Paceville is...

A second, 19-storey tower over the former telephone...

Portelli scion applies for agricultural store

The daughter of the construction magnate behind the 32-storey Mercury House...

The daughter of the construction magnate behind the...