Għaxaq Shopping mall roundabout: Developers’ contribution capped to 49% of costs
The Planning Board had originally recommended that the full cost of the roundabout should be borne by the developers, but has now amended the permit on the basis of studies...
Five-storey block risks overshadowing medieval Dingli chapel
Heritage watchdog gives thumbs down to five-storey flats near medieval chapel but may consider a three-storey development instead
ERA objects to San Gwann supermarkets, residents warn of traffic congestion

The Environment and Resources Authority is objecting to the proposed development of two supermarkets on a 7,000sq.m site on the Tal-Balal road near San Gwann

The Environment and Resources Authority is objecting to the...

Deceptive zoning may pave way for 14-storey Xghajra high-rise

Xghajra residents are up in arms against a proposal for three blocks of a total...

Xghajra residents are up in arms against a proposal for...

PA to appeal €500,000 ‘planning gain’ discount to  St George’s Bay developer

The Planning Authority is appealing a decision by its appeals tribunal to slash a planning gain of €623,325 for a St George’s Bay development, to...

The Planning Authority is appealing a decision by its...

PA tightens ODZ screws as Bahrija permit set for refusal

In a clear sign of cautiousness from the Planning Authority in the aftermath of...

In a clear sign of cautiousness from the Planning Authority...

Cottonera rejoices as AUM extension is rejected by Planning Authority board

Plans for students' residence in Bormla for the American University have been rejected by the Planning Authority

Plans for students' residence in Bormla for the...

Two villas proposed instead of Maghtab petrol station

Abelcare proposes ‘recreation’ of farmhouses demolished to make way...

Abelcare proposes ‘recreation’ of farmhouses...

Marsa office hub to replace Edible Oil factory

A new commercial hub is being proposed on a 43,500sq.m site currently occupied...

A new commercial hub is being proposed on a 43,500sq.m site...

‘No decline’ in Valletta market for boutique hotels, architect says

Newest project on Merchants’ Street prospects no slowdown in demand for luxury Valletta accommodation

Newest project on Merchants’ Street prospects no...

Carpark in Carmelite convent approved despite Order’s objection

Commission chairperson Elizabeth Ellul votes against the Balluta development...

Commission chairperson Elizabeth Ellul votes against the...

ERA gives cold shoulder to proposed 26-storey hotel outside Regional Road tunnels

A proposed hotel just outside the Regional Road tunnels is in breach of the local plan that identifies the location as an open space, the environment authority...

A proposed hotel just outside the Regional Road tunnels is...

St George’s Bay developer to pay €500,000 less to environment fund

Villa Rosa developer’s €623,000 planning gain is cut down to €116,000 after PA appeals tribunal finds planning board’s hike went...

Villa Rosa developer’s €623,000 planning gain is...

Five-storey home near 17th century chapel 'totally unacceptable'

Superintendence objects to five-storey home for the elderly in Zebbug

Superintendence objects to five-storey home for the elderly...

Ad hoc policy invented for Halland development on Wied Ghomor, residents claim

Residents and councils contend that hotel could only have been developed as a villa and bungalow area, yet developers got 10-storey block permit

Residents and councils contend that hotel could only have...

Photomontages reveal extent of Zebbug Lidl’s penetration outside development zones

A visual assessment of the proposed Lidl supermarket in Zebbug has been presented to the Planning Authority, confirming an increased volume of development when...

A visual assessment of the proposed Lidl supermarket in...

Updated | Fgura’s last open space threatened by road plans

Construction group Bilom has presented plans for a new road linking Triq...

Construction group Bilom has presented plans for a new road...

Don’t resurface Comino’s dirt road, heritage authorities tell Gozo

The Gozo Ministry warned that the road leading to Blue Lagoon is in such a dilapidated state that large boulders from the edge of the road frequently dislodge...

The Gozo Ministry warned that the road leading to Blue...

Construction starts on new road connecting Mriehel and Qormi

Infrastructure Malta has commenced work on a new road linking Mriehel, Qormi...

Infrastructure Malta has commenced work on a new road...

Old guard’s disgust over Qala sign of unease on Labour’s pact with big business

A Gozo developer at odds with the outgoing Planning Authority boss renounced a controversial permit: was the outrage inside Labour too loud to ignore?

A Gozo developer at odds with the outgoing Planning...