[WATCH] Activists, residents keep up pressure against Paceville masterplan
Protest against Paceville master plan which activists and St Julian's residents describe as ‘fundamentally flawed’

Residents and activists gathered at Spinola Bay in St Julian’s to voice their opposition to the Paceville masterplan that has been proposed by the Planning Authority.
Some 100 protestors held up placards with slogans such as 'From the frying pan into the fire', 'Who is the masterplan for?' and 'People are being evacuated so their [developers]] pockets can be fattened'.
One bore the face of PA executive chairman Johann Buttigieg with a halo on his head, mockingly declaring him as the 'saint of the environment'.
Activist Andre Callus decried the master plan as one that will expropriate residences so as to accommodate the business interests of a few elite developers, and warned that it will be faced with "ferocious resistance" if approved.
"Developers have done whatever they wanted for the past few decades, but this master plan s taking it to a whole new level," he said.
"It will create an ugly precedent - today it's the residents of St Julian’s who are affected, but tomorrow it could be residents of any other towns."

FAA president Astrid Vella urged the public to protest against the master plan en masse, warning that its problems are not only environmental, but also economical and human-rights related.
"The short-sightedness of this business-friendly government will end up ruining the economy," she warned.
"The mere fact that it is considering expropriating commercial properties will cause companies to think twice before investing in the country. Are we going back to the 70s? This will undermine Malta on every front."
Activist Erica Schembri lambasted the proposed land reclamation near a Natura 2000 site in front of Portomaso, while TV presenter Moira Delia spoke of her worry after discovering that her St Julian’s home has been earmarked for expropriation.
“Imagine going to bed every night worrying about what will become of your property tomorrow,” she told the crowd. “The Planning Authority should consider residents as being on the same level as developers.”
The protest was led by residents and involved activists from Kamp Emerġenza Ambjent, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Moviment Graffitti, Front Ħarsien ODZ, Ramblers' Association, Youth for the Environment, Nature Trust, Żminijietna – Voice of the Left and Friends of the Earth Malta.
Opposition MPs George Pullicino and Kristy Debono, PN MEP Roberta Metsola, Alternattiva Demokratika chairman Arnold Cassola, PN St Julian's councillors, and Swieqi mayor Noel Muscat were also present.