Paceville masterplan: Front Ħarsien ODZ keeps up pressure
Front Ħarsien ODZ has called onced again for a national masterplan, as it reiterated its stance against land reclamation for real estate purposes

Front Ħarsien ODZ has reiterated its stance against land reclamation for real estate purposes, as well as its calls for a national masterplan.
Front Ħarsien ODZ noted that the Paceville masterplan included development on reclaimed land, 50% of which is to go to residential units and 44% of which has been earmarked for hotels. Another 5% of the development will be dedicated to office space.
“In the specific case of Paceville, our opposition also relates to the fact that a marine protected area exists close to the site identified for land reclamation,” it said.
The Front added that, in view of Malta's small size and the immediate proximity of localities, it is illogical to have a masterplan for one area and not master plan for areas close to it.
The group reiterated its call for a national masterplan that comprises ecological, social, marine, economic, traffic and waste impact assessments, before development proposals such as the one in question are processed. “The national masterplan should be evidence-based and should have clear indicators on Malta's carrying capacity in relation to factors such as those mentioned above.”
Front Ħarsien ODZ also repeated its call for full transparency, including the publication of all submissions by developers to the government and the Planning Authority.