Chiswick school: Pembroke government plot suggested by authorities, says director
Chiswick House School director Bernie Mizzi: ‘People are under mistaken impression that school is to be built on land outside the development zone’

Chiswick House School’s director Bernie Mizzi has insisted that the site selection for the proposed new school in Pembroke was recommended following a two-year consultation process.
“We considered other options during this period, but since none was appropriate we were directed by the authorities towards the government-owned plot in Pembroke,” Mizzi said,
“It is unfortunate that some people are under the mistaken impression that our proposed school is to be built on land outside the development zone.”
The school lies in a development zone just off the residential area at the tip of Pembroke’s garigue land.

“Nothing could be further from the truth. This land has been earmarked for development for many years – as can be seen in the Pembroke Development Brief. Had this not been the case, we would never have submitted an application,” Mizzi said.
Mizzi added that the land would be leased from the government, and that CHS was proposing a low-level development that will occupy 25% of the allocated footprint. “We want children at our school to interact with nature, which is precisely why we have expressed the wish to relocate to this area.”
Pembroke residents yesterday took to protest at the proposed development, prompting a statement by environment minister José Herrera who attended the protest.