PA commences action to address unsightly building in Bugibba
The Planning Authority said it may use its enforcement powers to act where an area is injured by the appearance of any building or land

The Planning Authority has started to carry out remedial works on the ex-International Hotel building in Bugibba.
In a statement, the PA said that the building is not only in a dilapidated state, but has become the cause of bad neighbourliness in the surrounding area.
The Authority said that its intervention is to address the rundown appearance of the building as to mitigate the negative visual impact it is causing to the prime tourism area.
The intervention will include works such as blocking entries and plastering and painting facade elements.
“The Planning Authority is setting out on an exercise to address and tackle the dilapidated condition of buildings and sites which are the cause of eyesores and bad neighbourliness in prominent urban areas,” the statement said.
“While the buildings themselves may not be illegal, the Authority may use its enforcement powers to act where ‘the amenity of any area is injured by the appearance or structural condition of any building or any land’.”
PA said that the costs of the remedial works shall be recovered from the building’s owner.
Owners of derelict buildings are urged to take the initiative and carry out the necessary repair works so as to avoid incurring the additional costs of the Authority’s direct actions.