Planning Authority proposes Mosta public open space
The site had been earmarked for ‘community facilities’ in the 2006 local plan

The Planning Authority (PA) has issued a public consultation on a revised planning policy for a site in the Santa Margerita area of Mosta. The area is part of the 2006 Central Malta Local Plan.
In a statement, the PA said it was proposing that the site, that links Triq il-Midbah, Triq id-Dura and Triq l-Ghadajjar, be rezoned as a green public open space.
The site was originally a green area but was rezoned to accommodate community facilities in the 2006 local plan.
“With the priority for public open spaces ever increasing, the Authority is proposing the rezoning of this area,” read a statement by the authority.
It added that the full proposed policy guidelines and maps, together with the public submissions received during the initial consultation phase could be accessed online.
Individuals and organisations are being invited to send their representations on the proposed policy on [email protected], by the 30 April.
Back in 2015, families from the Santa Margerita community in Mosta opposed the proposed development of a four-storey community centre close to the 17th century chapel of St Margaret.