[WATCH] Pan-fried squid with lemons and pangrattato
Watch Sean Gravina make pan-fried squid with a crunchy and spicy pangrattato

Watch Sean Gravina make pan-fried squid with lemons and pangrattato
Pan-fried squid with lemons and pangrattato
- 6 tbsp olive oil
- 1-2 fresh red chillies, pricked
- 6 cloves garlic, unpeeled lightly crushed
- 2 large handfuls stale breadcrumbs
- Salt and pepper
- 4 baby squid, trimmed and cleaned, wings left on, tentacles left whole
- ½ lemon, very thinly sliced
- Handful flat-leaf parsley, leaves
- To make the pangrattato, put the oil into a thick-bottomed pan.
- Add the whole chillies, garlic and breadcrumbs and stir for a couple of mins until the breadcrumbs are crisp and golden.
- Season with a little salt and pepper and drain on kitchen paper.
- Wipe the pan with kitchen paper and put it back on a high heat.
- Add a good splash of oil, then season the squid and tentacles and lay them gently in the hot pan with lemon slices. If you can’t fit them all in, cook them into two batches – you don’t want them all cramped together.
- Fry for a minute or so till golden, then turn the squid over and fry for the same amount of time on the other side. The lemons will colour a little and need to be turned quicker then the squid, so just remove them from the pan and put to one side when golden. Small squid should be cooked through this time, but if your squid are larger they’ll need a bit longer.
- Take the pan off the heat and divide the squid and lemon slices between your plates. Scatter the pangrattato and the finely sliced parsley over the top of the squid.
- Serve with a lightly dressed rocket salad.
This recipe first appeared on Gourmet Today TV, aired on 19 June, 2015.
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