Tableo launches free restaurant reservation system
Tableo is helping small to medium-sized restaurants handle their restaurant bookings at no cost

Tableo, the fast-growing restaurant reservation and management system, has announced a free version of its software with no time limits. The reservation solution will be available for free for up to 50 bookings monthly, making it the ideal solution for smaller restaurants.
“We are confident Tableo’s free version will encourage more restaurants to make the switch from the traditional paper diary to a more robust digital solution. We understand that for many smaller family-run restaurants this can be a daunting task, but by offering the solution for free, we at least take away the financial impact of trying,” explained Jonathan Azzopardi Frantz, CEO Tableo.
Free online booking widget
One of the main pain points of any restaurant is having to take calls at the busiest of times. Through Tableo’s online booking widget, restaurants can start taking reservations from their website without human intervention, at any time of day or night.
Reservations are automatically checked against availability in real time and the system will automatically allocate the reservation onto available tables. Customers will receive instant confirmation of their booking and will also receive an email reminder on the day of their reservation. These automatic reminders can help limit no-shows, providing customers with an easy way to cancel in advance, instead of leaving it to the last minute or simply not showing up.
All reservations in one view
Restaurant managers and staff can easily track all restaurant reservations in one easy to use interface - whether they came through the online widget, via phone bookings or as walk-ins. What's more, owners can easily check which tables are reserved, for any day, time or service, even from their mobile phone.
Automatically compiled client database
The system automatically saves all customer details which can be used as a marketing tool to inform customers of special menus, offers and so on. The team can also manually add additional customer insights like table preferences, food allergies or VIP status.
This information will be readily available on repeat bookings by that same customer. This will give the restaurant staff the opportunity to prepare in advance for their guests, offering unparalleled personalised customer service.
How to get Tableo - Free version
Smaller restaurants with less that 50 bookings per month (or larger establishments wanting to try out Tableo before purchase), can simply fill in the form at
You will get your very own Tableo system in less than 48 hours. Login credentials will be sent to the email address provided.