Next-level Asian food at this Msida restaurant
Treat your tastebuds to a combination of flavours at this restaurant that offers a selection of unique Asian dishes such as sushi doughnuts

Long gone are the days of boring, tired and MSG laced Asian food. Welcome to Genki, an Asian experience like no other. Genki Asian Café opened its doors in 2017, after the owners’ eye-opening experience whilst travelling through South East Asia and Japan. They developed a love for freshly made, palate rich food, whilst also exploring the rich variety of sushi available from small boutique restaurants in Tokyo and Osaka. This is the juncture where Genki sits in the Asian restaurant world; on the cross roads of South East Asian cuisine and Japanese culture.

Genki can also proudly state that it supports local produce, with more than 75% of their fresh produce coming directly from Maltese farmers, fishermen and meat suppliers. This local approach to procuring produce results in a combination of native and infused flavours, providing their product with the ultimate blend of taste and quality.

The team is made up of specialised members who are dedicated to the art of sushi, and constantly seeking to spice up the ‘normal’ and heavily westernised world of sushi by creating unique dishes, such as sushi doughnuts and a first in Malta, completely non-fish sushi.

Their rich background together with the team’s flair for the innovative, provide a complete picture of the concept behind Genki, and the direction which they have adopted.
Genki is working closely with the artistic community and local partners and will soon be announcing some exciting projects, including a full blown local delivery service that will be launched later this year.

GENKI Asian Café
21, Ta' Xbiex Seafront, Msida
+356 2133 6572
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