[WATCH] Heart clinic at Mater Dei gets €1 million upgrade from IIP funds
New equipment at Mater Dei Hospital’s cardiac catheterisation suite has put Malta at the forefront of heart treatment, according to cardiology chairperson Robert Xuereb
From the war on drugs, now to the war on solitude, Caritas enters 50th year
The Catholic social work organisation will celebrate its 50th year of existence with a campaign battling solitude in 2019
Cliff Zammit Stevens: There is always light at the end of the tunnel

Starting vocal training at 14 with soprano Gillian Zammit, tenor Cliff Zammit...

Starting vocal training at 14 with soprano Gillian Zammit,...

[WATCH] Medical clinics in entertainment hotspots could send wrong message

With more than 20 years’ experience at hospital’s emergency department, clinical chairperson Michael Spiteri talks to MaltaToday about...

With more than 20 years’ experience...

[WATCH] People urged to get vaccinated against measles in fresh drive

The government is offering free measles jabs for Mater Dei workers as health...

The government is offering free measles jabs for Mater Dei...

Get tested for HPV: Dr Valeska Padovese on the importance of getting vaccinated at an early age

Nine things you need to know about Malta’s GU clinic and how to prevent HPV (human papillomavirus) – the most common sexually transmitted infection

Nine things you need to know about Malta’s GU clinic...

Andre Schembri: If you want to succeed, get out of your comfort zone

At 32, the Malta national football captain is not only one of Malta’s...

At 32, the Malta national football captain is not only one...

Children’s slime product is dangerous, consumers’ authority warns

The consumer affairs authority has ordered the withdrawal from the market of a...

The consumer affairs authority has ordered the withdrawal...

Properties by Remax
New reception area inaugurated at Karin Grech Hospital

Steward Health Care said it had invested €90,000 in the newly refurbished...

Steward Health Care said it had invested €90,000 in...

Maltese take a fancy to cruise holidays, as agents report higher sales

As the package holiday’s allure abates with travellers turning to the Internet to book their own holidays, some of Malta’s renowned travel agencies...

As the package holiday’s allure abates with...

Mario Vella: ‘Shyness is a most horrible affliction that should be dealt with immediately’

Irreverent, funny and definitely not shy, Brikkuni's frontman Mario Vella takes on the MaltaToday Q&A

Irreverent, funny and definitely not shy, Brikkuni's...

Marilena Gauci: I wish I knew more of how temporary this life is

The 26-year-old singer and all-round performer’s career took off when she...

The 26-year-old singer and all-round performer’s...

Malta-Japan air links ‘on the horizon’

Transport Malta said an air-link from Malta to Japan could be happening very...

Transport Malta said an air-link from Malta to Japan could...

Salmonella found in Gozo market eggs

Public advised not to consume eggs from Victoria farm after salmonella was found at plant

Public advised not to consume eggs from Victoria farm after...

Tamara Webb: We cannot take life for granted. It’s shorter than we think!

Tamara Webb is a Maltese lifestyler who shares her outfits, workouts, food, and experiences on social media, which is what her followers love about her. Tamara...

Tamara Webb is a Maltese lifestyler who shares her outfits,...

Youth mental health service lacks continuity of care

A survey of 211 young people using mental health service shows that the level...

A survey of 211 young people using mental health service...

Keep cool in the heat, WHO warns over hot European summer

Every year, high temperatures affect the health of many people, particularly...

Every year, high temperatures affect the health of many...

Clare Azzopardi: The most important lesson life has taught me is not to expect anything from anyone

When she is not teaching, you’ll find Clare Azzopardi writing or reading inside her 400-year-old house

When she is not teaching, you’ll find Clare Azzopardi...

Urgent appeal for blood as authorities appeal for prudence on the road

The National Blood Transfusion Service has made an urgent appeal for all blood types 

The National Blood Transfusion Service has made an urgent...

One in five Mater Dei workers don’t see benefit of influenza vaccine

Roughly a third said they didn't get vaccinated because of potential side-effects

Roughly a third said they didn't get vaccinated because...