Spare children unnecessary X-rays, say doctors in Mater Dei medical audit
Chest X-rays should not be taken indiscriminately as they carry a small but significant exposure to radiation and are rarely useful in the diagnosis of child bronchiolitis
Oz & Jay: We're probably the most brutally honest breakfast jocks out there
Laurel & Hardy, Cheech & Chong, Fry & Laurie, Minnie & Griz… the legendary breakfast radio hosts Oz & Jay have left their own indelible mark on popular...
Malta university team hope to help dementia sufferers with ‘wearable’ technology

A research team led by the University of Malta is trying to develop a way how to realise whether a person suffering of dementia has wandered away...

A research team led by the University of Malta is trying to...

Maltese prefer paying for healthcare rather than face waiting lists delays

If countries with limited means can achieve virtual absence of waiting lists – what excuse can there be for countries like Malta to keep having waiting...

If countries with limited means can achieve virtual absence...

Malta plans to be the first country to eradicate Hepatitis C by 2025

New drive will see 200 Hepatitis C patients a year cured free of charge,...

New drive will see 200 Hepatitis C patients a year...

A third of babies born in Malta were delivered by caesarean section

Of the 3,590 children born in Malta, 1,158 children were delivered through...

Of the 3,590 children born in Malta, 1,158 children...

Over 13,300 babies born between 2014-2016, 2,500 to foreign mums

Major factors behind pre-term births are multiple pregnancies, IVF, chronic...

Major factors behind pre-term births are multiple...

[WATCH] Influenza cases skyrocket as doctors talk of ‘worst flu season ever’

Around half of Malta’s population might contract influenza by end of winter, vaccine might not work in cases of infections with different strain

Around half of Malta’s population might contract...

Properties by Remax
On their best behaviour: seeking out the ‘clean teen’

Drug culture is still big but even in Malta, teen awareness on mental health...

Drug culture is still big but even in Malta, teen awareness...

Influenza forces Gozo hospital to postpone non-critical operations

Gozo hospital follows Mater Dei in postponing surgeries as a result of a surge...

Gozo hospital follows Mater Dei in postponing surgeries as...

Top travel destinations for 2018

Where are you travelling in 2018? These are some of the top choices for the year to come.

Where are you travelling in 2018? These are some of the top...

La Vallette Lounge at MIA receives a highly commended rating

The La Vallette Lounge is amongst 1000 top lounges around the world to receive...

The La Vallette Lounge is amongst 1000 top lounges around...

Updated | Hospital swamped as ‘very bad’ flu season sweeps over Malta

Mater Dei hospital’s accident and emergency department saw visits increase by 15% over the past four days alone from people with flu symptoms, CEO Ivan...

Mater Dei hospital’s accident and emergency...

Animated series hopes to help dementia sufferers recall the past

New animation project features elderly people narrating own experiences as part...

New animation project features elderly people narrating own...

Malta has an obesity problem, but healthy eating is not that hard

A study has shown that circumventing Malta’s high obesity rate would be a...

A study has shown that circumventing Malta’s high...

WHO finds no addiction risk in cannabidiol review

A preliminary review by the World Health Organisation this week said natural...

A preliminary review by the World Health Organisation this...

Medical cannabis is no 'wonderdrug' and should be used as last resort - MAM

The Medical Association of Malta says that there is not a lot of scientific evidence supporting the use of medical cannabis, whereas its side-effect...

The Medical Association of Malta says that there is not a...

Huntington's disease: excitement as trial shows drug could slow down progression

The results were hailed as 'enormously significant' as it is the first time any drug has been shown to suppress the effects of the disease’s...

The results were hailed as 'enormously...

MAM disagrees with construction of new outpatients department

The Medical Association of Malta said that the Auditor General's report...

The Medical Association of Malta said that the Auditor...

Did we lose the war on drugs, or have we just surrendered?

Dr Joseph Borg Ph.D • Calling the smoking cannabis...

Dr Joseph Borg Ph.D • Calling the smoking...