Second European health interview survey to be held
Sample of 6,200 individuals aged 15 and over to be surveyed on health and wellbeing

The Health Division will be conducting the Second European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) in Malta and Gozo with fieldwork planned for this autumn, starting in mid October over a period of three months.
This survey will be performed by the Directorate for Health Information and Research, within the Ministry for Energy and Health. Health interview surveys are designed to obtain valuable information regarding the nation’s health that cannot be obtained from routinely collected information.
“The Ministry for Energy and Health would like to stress the importance of participation in this survey which will provide information which would help to ensure that health services are designed to reflect better the current health care needs,” the ministry said.
The EHIS is being implemented in accordance with legal requirements as stipulated by the European Commission. During the survey, information on health related issues will be systematically collected by means of face to face interviews (without physical examination) in a representative sample of 6,200 individuals aged 15 years and over residing in Malta or Gozo.
The selected individuals will receive a letter, kindly inviting them to participate in the survey. Following this, these individuals will receive a phone call from authorised interviewers in order to arrange an appointment for the interview at the convenience of the interviewee. All steps have been taken to ensure that the highest degree of confidentiality will be maintained throughout the whole process of the survey.
The Survey will gather information related to the health and well being of the population including dental, physical and mental health/illnesses, body height and weight, physical limitations in activities; use of health care services and medicines; and lifestyle (e.g. diet, physical exercise, smoking and alcohol).
The information will be gathered via two questionnaires. The first questionnaire is to be completed by a face-to-face interview and the second, shorter questionnaire which contains more sensitive topics, is to be filled in by the interviewee. Questionnaires are available in both Maltese and English for the convenience of the interviewee.
One of the goals of this survey is to offer comprehensive information on the population’s health status allowing identification of any priority areas. The added value of the European Health Interview Survey is its harmonised approach, the high degree of comparability among EU Member States and its foreseen regularity of implementation. This allows changes in the health status of the Maltese population and the effect of health programmes and policies to be monitored.
For further information on the European Health Interview Survey kindly visit our website on: or contact the Directorate for Health Information and Research on 25599000 or [email protected].